View Full Version : New Plymouth uncontrolled?

Jack Sprat
28th Sep 2008, 00:18
Saw very briefly the big NOTAM on what was happening at NP recently with no control temporarily but nothing on why this needed to happen. Anyone know the story? Did it work OK? They made it easy to speculate too - was it perhaps a trial to see if Airways could add to Taupo as an airfield not requiring ATC?

1st Oct 2008, 23:29
Unexpected staff outage. Another staff member on leave overseas. two people left to cover a three person roster.

2nd Oct 2008, 01:35
Sad to hear NP tower uncontrolled. They all did/do a very good job. What is the News?

Have some relaxing leave, come back soon. S, R and E

Talk to the employers about some more staff, huh.

From what I know, 3 permanent, and 1 usually under training.