View Full Version : Jetcraft callsign - end of an era

26th Sep 2008, 07:06
Tonight/tomorrow morning ~4am will be the last time the Jetcraft callsign gets used !

Will no doubt get tongue twisted remembering the new one but you get that :\

Thanks to the Fosters and all the people over the years who made it all worthwhile :ok:

26th Sep 2008, 09:52
Heard the new uniforms are gonna be interesting.... Can anyone say green :ooh:

26th Sep 2008, 10:21
So Jetcrafts gone now?

If so herd it was happening a long time ago, but was talk of being bailed out...

Is that what happend? (I really have no clue with jetcraft :p)

Lucky Six
26th Sep 2008, 19:26
I believe it was taken over by Toll and it is a name change to Toll Aviation.

29th Sep 2008, 06:18
Played "Spot the Metro" this morning as I flew over Dysart.

I thought he was "Coal Express", some new coalfields fly-in-fly-out contractor.

Took me a while to figure out he was "Toll Express"!

Dr :8

29th Sep 2008, 08:36
Toll express hmmmm......it had to happen at some stage.

Seen the uniform, it is a joke!!!!!!

On the other hand seems Toll is is doing quite well since taking over, picking up a number of paper runs off pel air.

29th Sep 2008, 12:20
So Far the Pilots are hating the Callsign,

Direct Quote from a Pilot for them today: "Why Cant We Just say "Toll"?"

Already unhappy with it... ;)

29th Sep 2008, 21:18
The ex JCC boys up here were having a hard time with the new callsign yesterday.. often ended up being jet..ah express..lol.

29th Sep 2008, 21:27
Whats wrong with "Toll Freight xxx" like the 737's use, "Toll Express xxx" is a fair mouth full. Heard the struggle from center and pilots alike.

Worrals in the wilds
30th Sep 2008, 06:07
"Toll Express xxx" is a fair mouth full

"Jetcra-correction-toll-express xxx" is an even bigger mouthful, that's the prevailing call sign around here at the moment :}

I don't blame the pilots for hating it, it seems very cumbersome.

Surely something like 'Toll-ex' would suffice if they need a different call from the jets...and why does it need to be different?


30th Sep 2008, 08:25
Why not just use the old aircraft registration, it works in the past!
All a bit of a wank really!

30th Sep 2008, 08:40
Tool Express!

1st Oct 2008, 00:12
I used to regularly confuse JETEX and JETCRAFT, but that was sadly mostly resolved. My first night shift last night and I learnt quickly to pause for two seconds for a short think before opening my mouth. Having 3 aircraft on freq earlier with callsigns ending in 53 helped keep me awake...

Talking about pining for rego callsigns, I remember fondly when you could read the callsign off the radar label without offending anybody, "Quaintarse ten, Melbourne centre."

"Centre, Quaintarse one zero, were you calling me?"

1st Oct 2008, 07:12
New callsigns sure make you think before start speaking.. Sure confused the controllers a few times :}.

The new uniform - well, in my best Austin Powers voice "Grrrrreeeen it is - yeah baby yeah"... :eek: -- Not convinced on the tie though:oh:
I think its an incentive to improve efficiency - see if you know how it may do this.

So far the new management is doing pretty well as far as I see on the line, planes get fixed as they should, a bit more flying happening too.
Dont really get to hear much from the powers that be - but I guess that can be a good thing.

2nd Oct 2008, 01:59

For what they're paying a metro driver, I'd fly around in a birka!

2nd Oct 2008, 02:22
What is the paygrade for an average metro driver compared to propcraft? (well toll now)