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View Full Version : Training Advice - Australia

24th Sep 2008, 08:38
Hi Guys!

Just after some advise regarding licencing. I currently have a CPL(H) and
PPL(A), and completeing the theory for the CPL(A). After the theory is out of the way I`m to commence the hours needed to be able to sit the CPL(A) flight test etc.

This is where I need some advise! I am looking to eventually enter the
airline industry for a more stable avaition career option however, want to
make the right training decisions now that will lead to a job asap.

I was planning on obtaining a NVFR rating and a Twin Engine Endorsment,
hoping this would be sufficient qualifications to get me a job flying fixed.
Is this a good option? Is is worth going twin engine at this early point?
MECIR is also an option however, I am of the opinion some more experience would be required before attempting such an endorsment??

If anyone has any suggestions please..

Thanks in Advance,
