View Full Version : Cancer and the JAR medical

22nd Sep 2008, 15:58
Hi all

I hold a UK ATPL with a CAA class 1 medical. 777 TC with 20 years service. I have been diagnosed with stage 3B malignant melanoma (lymph gland involvement) which effectively means that I'm about to lose my job.

The CAA medical chaps would have me grounded for 3 years (hence losing my job) but ironically, the FAA would be quite happy for me to carry on flying. I can't fly with my UK operator on an FAA licence so that avenue is out of the question.

I can, however, hold a JAR licence. Does anyone know if there are any JAA authorities out there that have the same, lenient attitude to melanoma that the FAA do? That way I could hold a JAR licence and medical and keep going.

Any help appreciated.


24th Sep 2008, 14:19
No real help, but here´s wishing everything works out for the best for you!

26th Sep 2008, 23:24
Hi DCS, I've sent you a PM which I hope may be of some help

27th Sep 2008, 09:56
Hi DCS777,

Just like GSX1RK, I too wish you all the best with your fight.



5th Oct 2008, 06:49
I am fighting MMM. I sent you a pm.