View Full Version : Mac or PC

capt waffoo
4th Jan 2000, 04:19
A friend is about to get a new machine. To date she has been using a Mac due to the program used by her employer being Mac based and is used to it and is reluctant to change.

I feel she might be better getting a PC simply for commonality with the rest of the world.


How compatible are Macs and PCs these days?

Will it be a problem if she has a Mac and her mates have PCs, what about attachments on e-mails for instance? Will they work?

To what extent can each system use each others files/programs?

if her works program is in Mac format (its a special application based on a form of dance notation)is there any chance a PC could work it? (This prog is not due for issue for some months)

Kvestions Kvestions! Vee Vont Answers!

9th Jan 2000, 03:41
Macs interact with PC's much better than they used to. But, since they all change fairly often, I think you'd be best off talking to a dealer who sells both (and software for both). S/he can tell you all about the traps & pitfalls of the latest upgrades.
There are cards to slot into your computer which allow a PC to run Mac software too - cost not too onerous.

[This message has been edited by Oktas8 (edited 08 January 2000).]

Land Lubber
9th Jan 2000, 13:20
My vote would be for the PC... as you note, for the greater number of programs, downloads, classes, etc... available.

When I have taken classes at ZDU {now Smart Planet) the MAC folks always seem to need extra assistance locating resources, [for instance fonts]. There is always someone who knows where to go, and the MAC folk stick together better, too, but it seems undue hassle to me.

Many programs being developed on the web and available in beta for free [like fractals] will not be out in MAC for ages. It will be years before they are more than free, some of them. Many are great fun, and very useful. And, often, they are much cheaper than the "boxed version" when they go alpha, at least for awhile.

The web is great fun, and a heck of a learning trip. I say, "Get the conversion card for the job, and have a great time, too!" Too much work and not any play,
:-) ...do you drive your car only for work, and walk to the bowling alley, or walk off fishing on vacation?