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View Full Version : Night time cabin announcement - help needed

22nd Sep 2008, 11:51

I'm currently doing a student project and wondered if anyone here could help me.

What would be the wording of the announcement in the cabin when you want people to keep their window blinds down and turn the ligts off etc.

Something like

"Ladies and Gentlemen, the captain has now asked that the lights be turned off....etc"

Or something like that.

I guess that's my problem, I can't work out what it would be.

Thanks in advance for any help.

22nd Sep 2008, 12:07
Hi there, here's what I say.
Oh and by the way, in our company we never ask passengers to switch of their lights. Don't think many companies do that actually. It is after all up to a passenger of he or she wishes the light on for any reason, and passenger lights are individual after all.
What we do, is when we walk through the cabin and see a light on with a sleeping passenger under it, we turn it off.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, due to the passing of time zones on this flight, the sun will rise in x hours from now. To give everybody a chance to sleep a little, please lower your window shades."

This has the desired effect on about 60% of the pax. The rest have either not heard, not understood, are already alseep or can't be bothered. So after this announcement we walk down the whole cabin through both aisles, armed with a coat hanger as 'arm extender' to close the shades of sleeping pax, and to personally ask the pax who haven't closed the shades yet to do so.

Good luck with your project. :ok:

22nd Sep 2008, 12:09
What sort of project is that????? Sound's like something for Con Air or similar....

It might be nice for some if the passengers went into hibernation but IMHO the Captain could be on very shakey grounds if he/she starts telling passengers they must close their blinds and turn their lights out...

23rd Sep 2008, 11:33
As a former 'All business class' employee, we used to dim the cabin lights for take off... After take off, as part of the post take off PA I used to say "The cabin lights will now remain switched off until approximately 40 minutes before our arrival into ..."
Most passengers closed their own window blinds if they were sleeping anyway, but if not, once the meal service was complete, the cabin crew used to go through the cabin and close all the window blinds... (It was a sleeper service :o) )

I Just Want To Fly
23rd Sep 2008, 12:24
OMG Juud,

The coat hanger idea is so brilliant, I have never thought of that! I'm gonna try it on my next flight. I have very long arms, and still find it very hard to reach all the way across even two seats, let alone 3! Does it make a clanking noise? I suppose you just have to be carefull!

Is one of the new a/c a380, b787 or a350 going to have electronic window shades or or am i dreaming! I'm sure i read or saw it somewhere?

23rd Sep 2008, 18:21
A plastic meal tray works just as well.

24th Sep 2008, 12:32
A tightly rolled up newspaper (lengthways) works a treat too!

24th Sep 2008, 15:50
Carton of Cigarettes (if you still carry them)

24th Sep 2008, 21:36
Ice tongues!!

B787 (7 late 7) has the electronic window darkening technology option......If the damned thing ever takes off.