View Full Version : Y2K - Was it a hoax?

Islander Jock
1st Jan 2000, 07:41
Goodmoring fellow PPRUNERS.

Just got out of bed (01/01/00)and thought OK time to see what if anything has gone wrong with my PC. We have two fairly old machines, 1 x 386SX circa 1991 and 1 x P75 circa 1996.

Both machines booted up OK but the 386, when going through the dos sequence did notice an "invalid date". Both machines had defaulted to the date 01 April 1980.

So back into DOS, quick change of date/time and bingo! everything seems to work. But I suppose it will take a while to be certain.
One well reputed software program reported that the 386 was going to be totally useless on Jan 01 2000.

Anyone else have similar experiences?

1st Jan 2000, 12:35
Didn't reboot yet but my 8086 (which works as a printer server) shows 01.01.2000 so.....

1st Jan 2000, 14:03
Booted up OK, no symptoms at all. Office 2000 seems to be OK including the Excel files. We have water and electricity, phones are working check-in desks and destination boards are fine. ATC still answers the radio and the met service is reporting fine weather (It's raining outside) so that looks normal. Haven't tried the ATM for money yet.

One thing though, if this is the 21st century where's Buck Rogers? and will he still be current when he shows up?


Info noted. Plse report further.

2nd Jan 2000, 04:06

How or what did you do to set up your 8086 to be a print server?

Want to do the same with a 486sx I was given as well as a data back up device.


2nd Jan 2000, 17:15
Tinstaafl, this is a setup from the days, where Windows was unable to provide a real network (well, is it able today?).
I am running a small network on Novell, this was the most reliable setup availbale some moons ago.
And, it has paid off several times now. Friends with Powerbooks as well as I myself are able to connect easily and a speedy transfer of data keeps my updated on the road as well.
The whole setup is a P1-200 as dedicated server with 64MB ram and 2x18GB HD (mirrored), a 8086 as printer server (8 MHz 640Kb and 20MB HD), a 386-40DX with 64 MB ram and 1.2 MB HD as a fax server (yes, it does 14.4....) and my workstation with P2-500 128MB ram 16GB HD.
Only one monitor and one keyboard required, attaching my laptop for update etc. is a matter of seconds.
Being some kind of a maniac, I got some remote controlled power outlets and switches (well, I oredered them myself) and during the next weeks I will try to radio-control some devices in my house as well with this system.

2nd Jan 2000, 18:19
Y2K.....was it a complete hoax? No. There are some genuine Y2K issues.

Was it massively over-hyped and blown out of all proportion for maximum effect and therefore profit? Yes.

Remember that it was the IT industry (which I work in and therefore must declare a vested interest) created the problem in the first place, albeit inadvertantly, and a very long time ago. But the amount of money that has been spent on Y2K the past few years is ludicrous in proportion to it's impact. Where did this money go?.....to the IT industry........Make of that what you will.

At any rate there are likely to be more problems from Tuesday when everyone goes back to the office, and at the end of January and the end of the financial year so it's not over yet.

2nd Jan 2000, 20:48
A friend send me a link yesterday....thought I must go to back to bed straight away....


2nd Jan 2000, 21:13
Thanks FL310

4th Jan 2000, 04:35
OK chaps, whoever is running an own website, if you are using a java script to display your date on the page, check the date.
Most sites are showing now 19100 or (as in my case 192000 http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/tongue.gif ).
The reason is a small entry as it was required some 2 years back to show a 19xx year.
Now the system is either adding 19+100 or, as in my case 19+2000.
But is easy to rectify. Mail me if you need help.

5th Jan 2000, 10:30
Nice link '310, I even clicked on the "see it again" button - does that mean that I now have a Y4K bug chomping away at my Pentium?!?

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