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17th Jun 2001, 18:46
Help please..I've just bought a new printer and connected it (the same way as my old one-which worked OK)routing thru a scanner to LPT1. But the scanner was then not recognised.
Spoke to printer tech people who suggested installing a new parrallel port. Did this,changed jumpers etc. for 2 ports and now...printer connected to LPT1 comes up with 'unable to communicate..' whilst scanner on new port works fine! Although I can find no ref to the new LPT2 that its supposed to be working on.
Any ideas?

17th Jun 2001, 20:59
Without more info about your System it's difficult to offer much help. Your reference to "jumpers" suggests an oldish setup.

Confirm that the printer is connected logically to LPT1 by right clicking on the printer in Start/Settings/Printers and then clicking on Properties/Ports. If its not connected logically put a tick in the box for LPT1.

If that doesn't work, come back with details of which version of Windows, make of printer and I/O card with the jumpers.

Mac the Knife
17th Jun 2001, 22:59
Check that your original mobo LPT1 is configured as EPP/ECP in the BIOS

18th Jun 2001, 00:29
What printer did you connect....Laser printers need a IRQ. Check that the IRQ 7 (normally for lpt1 used) is available..IRQ5 is for lpt2....
If you installed an Inkjet, it does not need an IRQ at all.
Did you change cable as well? Some cable do not allow bi-directional communication as required by scanner and some printer.
One more thing, sometimes it just helps if you re-install the driver software.

18th Jun 2001, 02:25
Basically what I've done is connect a Lexmark Z52 to original LPT1 and it now dos'nt work, and installed a lava parallel bi-directional port to act as LPT2(?),as per instructions I set IRQ 5 and address 278,bi-directional is the default. This seems to works fine for the scanner.
I'm running win95
Thanks for all your suggestions so far

21st Jun 2001, 18:19
How are you getting on Zepp? I have an interest in this issue 'cos I have a similar problem.

My Dell is basically a PCI based PC with one floppy drive. There is one (E)ISA slot. I run Windows 2000 in which the "Plug 'n Play" is brilliant - until you come to the ISA interface.

I want to fit a "Legacy" dual mode floppy (5¼ and 3½) that worked fine in an old 486 with the ribbon cable plugged into a standard ISA I/O card.

The BIOS only supports a single FD and the Dell Floppy Drive Controller is buit-in to the motherboard. The I/O card is therefore essential but the Dell won't "see" it. Just as in your problem the system won't "see" the Lava card. I don't have a driver for this but I think you said that you did for yours.

Dell are at last trying to help, but without much luck. I've e-mailed Canon who made the Dual Floppy.

In the meantime I wondered if you'd had success and if so how?

22nd Jun 2001, 06:16
Had a similar problem "way back when" with an HP scanner/printer combo. The manual said (if memory serves) to connect the scanner to the LPT port and the printer to the scanner, but the PC wouldn't "see" the printer.

In the end I just swapped them round, so the printer was on the port and the scanner was on the printer - et voila! Worked for me, hope it helps.

Good luck.

drivers, drivers, drivers!Have a look at the manufacturer websites and be sure you have the latest offerings.]

[This message has been edited by Squiddley (edited 22 June 2001).]

25th Jun 2001, 19:13
Thanks everyone for the tips....the problem seems to be solved.
fobo, not sure exactly what cured it but disconnected everything then reinstalled all software, and now have scanner running of the printer port(!) and printers not indicating running of anything!!
But its working fine so i'm leaving as is and not touching anything
Good luck

25th Jun 2001, 20:54
Quite right too; if it ain't broke....

Well done! Thanks for feedback. Still struggling because the support folks of Dell and Canon refuse to help. Considering a note to the Office of Fair Trading for them to be aware that PC suppliers can fit kit in their products and then refuse to "support" them.

I'm not really surprised. You get what you pay for and, if it's cheap..!