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View Full Version : Avoiding Man-Flu!

18th Sep 2008, 08:53
Ok here's the problem:

It seems every man and his dog at the minute seems to be coming down with man flu. In my office and erverywhere else. I don't seem to have it yet but I am a bit runny today. :uhoh:

My concern is I have my class 1 medical next week on Wednesday.

My boss laughed at me this morning when I said "seriously mate I have a medical next week and can't afford to be ill for it" He made some quirp about all they'll test you on is if you have rectal dysfunction and psychotic intentions etc. (ignorant :mad:)

Now should I say sod it and work from home quarantined from everyone or could I be cautious and hope I avoid it?

I've read they (the CAA) will make you do various things including lung capacity and breathing and get you to jog round the building a few times. This isn't nice if you're suffering. But generally i'm fit and do plenty of cardiovascular gym exercise 3-4 times a week.

I seriously do not want to be 'un-fit' for a pretty important medical. :yuk:

Any advice appreciated.


18th Sep 2008, 09:17
Hmmm....working from home may help avoid the risk, but if the circulating bug is going to affect you, it's likely to be nicely incubating already:)

Be a man about it.:ok: A minor cold is unlikely to affect the result of your medical.

18th Sep 2008, 11:49

Take it like a man! Like it. :}

So long as the Doc won't fail me for having a sniffle then I'll soldier on. Plenty of water for the next week I think!



20th Sep 2008, 01:13
Yep I sincerely doubt anything an average cold type 'thing' can inflict will be enough to affect your class 1...but if you can't breathe in deeply without sneezing, coughing, choking and then spitting and sneezing etc, then I think you better give them a bell and re-book.

20th Sep 2008, 11:31
And you don't have to run around any buildings!!!!

It should be fine - I would just see how you are feeling in the days running up to it.


20th Sep 2008, 14:28

YouTube - man flu (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OiyZyXel03Q)

20th Sep 2008, 15:06
I did my medical with the flu, the only issue was my respiration wasn't as 'strong' as it should have been without the flu. Otherwise no worries.

20th Sep 2008, 19:34
Cheers peeps.

I've topped up on lemsip and feel a lot better than two days ago. I should think it'll be gone by the time i'm up in Gatwick. That youtube clip is classic! :D


21st Sep 2008, 19:57
Get a sex-change? :eek:

Der absolute Hammer
23rd Sep 2008, 07:27
Do not shake the hands with anyone - especially those who use tissues! Do you see what they do with posionous germ full scrunched Kleenex?
Lines on hands hold germ full moisture, transfer to you, bingo! flu!