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View Full Version : Optrex eye drops

13th Sep 2008, 18:17
I heard this story from a friend of mine that goes a little like this .

Male passenger being a pest to the female cabin crew on a long haul flight. Male passenger has been drinking and starts to touch up the female cabin crew as they pass such as patting their bottoms. Cabin crew give male passenger a complimentary coffee with a few drops of OPTREX Eye Drops thus ensuring he wont be patting anyones arse now as he will be too pre-occupied with his own arse from now on as this small addition to his coffee will give him severe trots .

I thought this was brilliant and a fitting end to the so called **** but can anyone here confirm that this actually works or even if you have used this same method yourself ?

13th Sep 2008, 19:00
Urban Legend my friend!!!
Its an oldie that does the rounds on a regular basis. Heck even the Daily Rag picked up one such discussion from Pprune some time ago suggesting that cabin crew were endangering aircraft safety by spiking the pilots drinks with eyedrops!

luvly jubbly
13th Sep 2008, 19:05
Try it in your coffee and get back to us.............:}

13th Sep 2008, 19:37
This is an old, old, old tale. Previously, it has had legs as a punishment for pilots that have transgressed the unwritten rule (whatever that may be).

Any way that you cut it - poisoning people is a bad thing

13th Sep 2008, 20:46
There are better ways for dealing with this situation.... the female cabin crew was very silly and should not have done what she did...

13th Sep 2008, 21:42
There is a very simple antidote for eye drops or other chemicals of that nature that essentially renders the bad bit harmless.
Heres a clue, its VERY similar in composition to your tears :ok:

14th Sep 2008, 05:29
Optrex doesn't work in any case. It was thoroughly tested in true Jackass style and the Johnny Knoxville wannabe (no he was not flying the plane, passengering or even involved in the aviation industry) suffered no ill effects whatsoever.

Sorry to shatter your revenge fantasies.

14th Sep 2008, 12:41
You can get a prison sentence for tampering inflight drinks and meals!

I prefer to go home and voodoo them personally.

boeing baby
16th Sep 2008, 09:14
Hey! Just do what so many have done before. If the techies are p***ing you off, marry 'em, divorce 'em and take 'em for half!
Never have to fly another day!!!

1st Oct 2008, 18:48
a well shaken can of sodawater works wonders as well--------and doesn't stain the passengers surrounding this guy!