View Full Version : tightness on chest

10th Sep 2008, 17:01
about 3 weeks ago, i was watching tv and suddenly i found it pretty hard to breathe but by that time, i started to panic and subsequently i decided to see the doctor straight away. after seeing him, he could not find anything wrong and therefore sent me to the hospital and did an ecg, just in case it was a heart attack. that turned out to be negative as well (thank god) however, since that i have found that i feel my chest is tighter than normal and sometimes i need to breathe alot deeper.

after that, i went to see GP, whom said that i have anxiety problem. thing is, my mental state is fine but i just feel this tight feeling in my chest. i have seen about 4 doctors and none of them has found anything physically wrong. my question is then, can anxiety bring upon the feeling of tightness and would relaxing and general healthy living eventually cure it?

i think the fact that this may revoke my class 1 makes me more anxious and stressed.

10th Sep 2008, 20:10
I'm assuming your indicated age of 22 is correct.

Obviously heart problems are relatively uncommon at your age, but they do happen. You've had a workup for a cardiac-related cause for your problem, presumably more than one workup. That's as it should be.

There are multiple other causes for chest tightness/pain. Hyperventilation, anxiety and stress are high on the list. Unfortunately, medications often used for this do not mix well with aviation, but there are other treatments to try.

Follow the advice of your docs as to what to do next. The usual "healthy living" bits are wise. Most likely your aviation status will take care of itself.
Graham MD

10th Sep 2008, 21:07
what do you actually mean by a cardiac workup?

10th Sep 2008, 23:17
what do you actually mean by a cardiac workup?You have to tailor that the the individual circumstance. Not an internet diagnosis, I'm afraid. Follow your docs' advice.
Graham MD