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Flower Duet.
9th Sep 2008, 20:45
YouTube - Concorde Celebration By BA Concorde Crew Member (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uqRZYimdYtI&feature=related)

She was the Queen of the skies.

9th Sep 2008, 20:59
absolutely. Why couldn't they keep just one flying? even not commercially, just for history you know? Such a wonderful and unique aircraft.

10th Sep 2008, 10:38
Why couldn't they keep just one flying? even not commercially, just for history you know?

As much as I liked Concorde, who's going to pay? BA AF couldn't even make a profit through commercial operations!

10th Sep 2008, 12:45
tell me if I'm wrong but the year concorde was supposed to retire, I had heard that Richard Branson wanted to buy one, but then BA said no to keep the name of concorde associated with them. It would have been a good idea instead of letting this happen:

What is happening to G-BOAD (disturbing photos)- UPDATED • NYCAviation.com (http://www.nycaviation.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=12589)

Human Factor
10th Sep 2008, 13:25
Branson will do anything for a headline.

It is not possible to operate an airliner without backing from the manufacturer, or at the very least a design authority. Aerospatiale (EADS) would not give their permission for continued operation by Beardy or anyone else.

Ground Bound
10th Sep 2008, 18:10
That clip was brilliantly put together. I missed my chance to fly on that great bird; my family were booked on a ninety minute Bay of Bisacy flight to celebrate my stepmother's 60th birthday when the tragedy happened. What a sad demise of a beautiful and revolutionary aeroplane.

Geezers of Nazareth
11th Sep 2008, 10:50
Hmmm, very dusty in here, isn't it. I seem to have got something in my eye whilst watching that! :sad:

Flower Duet.
11th Sep 2008, 11:03
I felt the same, when i watched the clip ..

It's one of the Reason's since i was child to work for British Airways,

Oh hum ..

Maybe one day the A380 but it's still not the same Aircraft ( Speed / Class ).

11th Sep 2008, 11:43
the shame of Concorde is not that we put it out to pasture, but that we don't have anything to replace it with at the moment.

Seems the days of State funds for projects that push the boundaries are over, at least for now. Any old how, it's all gone a bit full circle as some of the luxury has come back into travel just like in the days of the old liners!

papa juliet
12th Sep 2008, 21:45
It's early in the morning here in Oz and I have just watched this clip again, and again,and again, one of the best I have seen.
I was in Sydney for it's first arrival and remember myself and a half dozen of my new Aussie friends stood on top of my old Consul on top of the TAA car park surrounded by hundreds of people.
Concorde swept in for it's landing and after it came to a halt everyone started clapping and cheering and as I was then a dyed in the wool Pom I was amazed at the reaction.
At a later press conference, according to legend, a petulant journalist asked the captain whether he was aware of the "terror" he had inflicted on the indigenous people in the heart of australia by flying so fast, the BOOM would have terrified them. The retort from an English journalist was supposedly "how many of them are there, and here's five quid for cotton wool for their ears"
Oh for the days of political incorrectness.
A long and rambling missive for me to say thankyou for the link. PJ