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View Full Version : maxiejet - anyone shed any light?

7th Sep 2008, 16:30
Dont know if this has been reported yet.
Anyone shed any light? Looks a bit ambitious in current economic climate to say the least....


StoneyBridge Radar
7th Sep 2008, 16:49
Well, it's good enough for a laff on a wet Sunday afternoon.

Didn't know the wingletted Tefal Beech was certified in the UK, and if you click "save" on the coat of arms which I presume is part of "the company's" branding, it's the old Rhodesian coat of arms !!

Maxiejet, flown by Captain Mugabe :}

More chance of getting a ride in an Austin Maxi than a flight on Maxiejet, me thinks :E

Skipness One Echo
7th Sep 2008, 16:54
Yeah the grammar is awful, reminds me of the daily phishing scams in my inbox....

7th Sep 2008, 18:02
To be honest I think that the idea is very good.

We don't currently have an LON based airline operating small aircraft connecting the capital to the rest of the UK.

Yes, we have BA and BD who proved links across the Isles but they operate fuel guzzling aircraft that can't serve routes such as LON-EXT etc.

Wouldn't it be great for an airline to make a profit operating flights to destinations such as EXT, BLK etc. from the capital?

Skipness One Echo
7th Sep 2008, 18:11
It's a scam guys. You have to charge Eastern prices to fly aircraft that small in the UK market. They can't even speak English properly.

7th Sep 2008, 18:15
Such a professional website - of course it's genuine ;) Just check out their route map!

7th Sep 2008, 18:50
and the timetable - first flight out at 09.40, last flight back in at 17.45 - very civilised!?!

7th Sep 2008, 18:53
do you think they will they are a feeder line for their all business class transatlantic operations?

7th Sep 2008, 21:36
Err..no. I think it's another spotty kid with no backing having fun with a school project. A bit like Premjet.

8th Sep 2008, 17:57
Whois lookup of maxiejet:

Domain Name.......... maxiejet.com
Creation Date........ 2008-06-28
Registration Date.... 2008-06-28
Expiry Date.......... 2009-06-28
Organisation Name.... Neville Croxford
Organisation Address. P O Box 99800
Organisation Address.
Organisation Address. EmeryVille
Organisation Address. 94662
Organisation Address. CA
Organisation Address. US

Ah, the joys of google. We search for Mr Croxford and find this on Speednews:
Date Posted: 7/15/2008 4:26:37 PM
Updated: 8/18/2008 1:10:11 PM
Wanted: We are looking for 6 beech 1900D aircraft for 18 month charter to service our UK domestic routes with 19 pax configuration for delivery 01/11/2008.Approx 120 hours per month with option to increase.No higher than $1600 per hour.
Neville Croxford
Location: United Kingdom
Tel: 0844 330 6751
Request Information
...which is consistent with the schedule on the website. And the B1900C in the photos on the website is more photogenic than the aesthetically-challenged B1900D... :cool:

Where's the money coming from? Here, it seems. (http://www.gobignetwork.com/profiles/Neville-Croxford.aspx?CountryCode=&City=Dunstable&CityLtr=D&page=1&PageSize=10&SortBy=6&SearchType=FS&ReturnURL=%2Fsearch%2Fstartups%2Fall.aspx%3FCountryCode%3D%2 6City%3DDunstable%26CityLtr%3DD)(Although on this site two Metroliners appear to join the B1900Ds, for some reason.) Hope springs eternal.

Unclear, though, why if the aircraft utilisation is so low, the schedules are so constricted and non-business-friendly. What are the planes going to be doing in prime business hours? Or is LTN really *that* slot-constrained? :confused:


8th Sep 2008, 18:08

Richard Taylor
8th Sep 2008, 19:01
I'm Out!!!!!

StoneyBridge Radar
8th Sep 2008, 19:50
...and a little more research springs up the Rhodesia/Zim connection and the coat of arms on the website....

Html Gear - Guest Gear View Guestbook (http://htmlgear.tripod.com/gw/guest/control.guest?u=Chaslotter&a=view&i=1&r=)

Sunday 06/24/2007 2:14:27am
Name: Neville Croxford
E-Mail: [email protected]
Homepage Title: Grey Scouts
Homepage URL:
Referred By: Search Engine
Location: United Kingdom
Comments: I fought for the country
England gave it away
Mugabe ransacked it
The blacks now pay for their freedom
can they afford it, im doubtful
hamba gashle

Grey's Scouts - Rhodesia pictures from military photos on webshots (http://community.webshots.com/album/198949096ECTrll)

Grey's Scouts was a horse-mounted regiment of the former Rhodesian army,[1][2] and is now a regiment in the Special Forces of Zimbabwe. The official title is now Zimbabwe Mounted Infantry, but the old title is still used unofficially.

Torture Up for it Monsters or ordinary people - who are the torturers? (http://www.thirdworldtraveler.com/Torture/Up_for_it.html)

11th Sep 2008, 03:51

What is the relevance/meaning of your post? I just do not "get" it

11th Sep 2008, 04:49
has anyone called there call centre?

Passengers with medical conditions are advised to contact our call centre on 0844 330 6751, to request assistance if required and specific seating suitable for their needs, subject to availability.


11th Sep 2008, 10:36
Already been renamed. - Walter Mitty Airlines

11th Sep 2008, 10:41
They definatly answer the phone, could be a answering bureau.

11th Sep 2008, 13:12

What is the relevance/meaning of your post? I just do not "get" it

AA SLF, it's to do with a TV programme over here called "Dragon's Den". The people pictured are the "dragons" who are 5 multi-millionaire entrepreneurs. People come into the "den" and pitch their business ideas trying to get the dragons to invest in their companies. Some have been very successful - others have been mad!

The comment that follows, "I'm out!!!!", is what a dragon says when they are not interested and don't want to hear any more.

This Maxieket business idea is definitely an "I'm out" from all 5 dragons!

BBC - Dragons' Den - Homepage (http://www.bbc.co.uk/dragonsden/)

11th Sep 2008, 16:04
Website seems to have been updated, with changes in several areas. Claims booking engine will go live on 15 October. Right.............

11th Sep 2008, 16:20
Oh perlease!

Apparently "you will be able to fly... when we get an extra six aircraft".

Which I guess would make a grand total OF.....six aircraft.

I've got more chance of flying from Luton to Cardiff on the back of a pig - or with Fly for Beans. :}

11th Sep 2008, 17:42
I think that what they are trying to say, in mangled English, is that you will be able to fly direct from say, BRS to NCL without going via LTN. However the combination of points would need more than another 6 aircraft to serve them all.

Time table seems to have been changed but still no early morning/late evening flights and Monday now shows: One a day to BRS/LPL/LBA/MAN/NWI/EMA with Tuesday similar but BHX instead of EMA? Logical - I don't think so

12th Sep 2008, 02:09
Groundloop -

Thanks for the info. Now I "get it" , , , , :ok:

Ah may be slo - but I ain't dumb :eek:

12th Sep 2008, 04:00
Website seems to have been updated, with changes in several areas

A small friendly suggestion to the Maxiejet website owner: it's probably not a good idea to show the "ATOL Protected" logo (on the "site map" page :confused:) when the small print below says exactly the opposite (and anyway, direct sales of tickets by airlines are not normally covered by ATOL anyway). :rolleyes:

18th Sep 2008, 21:12
Apart from the front page of the website, everything else seems to have gone. What a surprise..not.

19th Sep 2008, 15:42
It actually looks like an update!

19th Sep 2008, 16:52
The logo looks like a dolphin jumping through a hoop!

19th Sep 2008, 19:16
I Don't Suppose You Have Ever Had The Balls To Try Anything With Your Life's Your'e Too Busy Critasizing Others, Good Luck To Them At Least They Are Prepared To Give It A Go.You can't even use the motorways anymore so yea fly.

StoneyBridge Radar
19th Sep 2008, 21:02
Oooh Candice, Jambo

Touched a nerve, have we?

Last person I knew called Candice was called Colin Monday to Friday :E

Gentle, friendly hint dear; when posting, use a spell checker :}

I Don't Suppose You Have Ever Had The Balls To Try Anything With Your Life's

Ironic that this is a "professionals" forum, all of whom could probably afford a far more respectable website than that of AustinMaxiAir, taken from templates on Microsoft Office Live Small Business.


With a name MaxieJET, shouldn't it fly JETS....hell, let's see if it flies at all :ugh:

14th Oct 2008, 20:40
I think it may have gone T*Ts up as the website ain't be working for a couple of days now. Even though some routes may not have worked but some routes would of and in my opinion more flights to London are needed from british airports i.e CWL, BRs, BHX, EXT. I undersdtand though they are in direct competition with bus and train which will win overall on these routes.

16th Nov 2008, 20:31
New website set up:

www.maxiejetairlines.com (http://www.maxiejetairlines.com)

I think it is the same company. It looks like they are going a head??

Guest 112233
17th Nov 2008, 11:32
The Maxiejet link posted just leads to a blue back ground with Google ads and a blank Grey page with a logo - midday 17/11/08 at 12.30 PM - Progress .Watch out BA/LH/AA/DL they are comming.. Bargan Legpull Business fares to Droitwitch - Vertical Approach and climbouts featured. Is this a marketing ploy/ project just to see how much interest a web site can accrue. A bit like those Bus ads for a product keeping "Terriers off your Toms".