View Full Version : Netscape 4.7 Released - Download Here

29th Sep 1999, 23:55
Netscape has released Communicator version 4.7 for public consumtion. Grab this new release:

Download Netscape Communicator 4.7 (ftp://ftp.netscape.com/pub/communicator/english/4.7/windows/windows95_or_nt/complete_install/cc32e47.exe) - Windows

Download Netscape Communicator 4.7 (ftp://ftp.netscape.com/pub/communicator/english/4.7/mac/complete_install/Comm4.7_Complete_EX.bin) - Mac

Download Netscape Communicator 4.7 (ftp://ftp.netscape.com/pub/communicator/english/4.7/unix/) - Unix


30th Sep 1999, 13:20
You've got to be joking. It's just as bad as 4.61 and 4.5. It's so tragic that there's no longer any comparison with Billy's IE5.
Netscape 4.7 has crashed my machine just as often as 4.61 (and that was damnably regular - as in once per hour).
It's just not worth the effort, it's choc-a-bloc full of bugs.
IE5 very rarely hiccups at all and is 200% on Netscape by comparison. Save yourself the grief and don't bother to download.

Death. Give it a passing thought

30th Sep 1999, 22:38
I guess it depends on a lot of factors, I have never had any problems with Communicator and won't use anything else (especially Microsoft), but I have had loads of problems with IE. You pays your money and take your choice, or use the freebie you prefer. Happy surfing in whatever browser you prefer.

1st Oct 1999, 02:10
Same here, used Netscape since it was born and have never experienced any problems like the ones described.

1st Oct 1999, 03:00
ie#? Get real! Netscape is like so many other non-ms products: better in every way. The only reason for ms at all is to keep a pc-based system "operating".

old pick it her
3rd Nov 1999, 07:19
Agreed with the 90% of other postees here that use Communicator.

I have used Netscape since Version 2 and about two years ago "upgraded" a machine with IE4. It then promptly started conflicting with Communicator, almost as if MS had planned it that way. The OS steadily deteriorated from there and I eventually had to do a clean install of Windows 98 in order to have a usable machine again.

3rd Nov 1999, 15:35
Must be machine or finger trouble. My Micron with a few years seniority has no trouble with both IE5 and Nets 4.7 installed and occasionally operating at the same time. I find they both have about the same performance overall. Don't ask me why I have both because I don't know. It just happened.
There should be a few experts out there that can give you the answers.