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View Full Version : Working wife in UAE

3rd Sep 2008, 01:40
Do any of you have a working wife in the UAE? What are the opportunities for one there? Thanks.

3rd Sep 2008, 06:29
No probs. She just has to get a letter signed by you for permission for her to work. The company she works for will handle the rest.....work permit etc:ok:

Guy D'ageradar
3rd Sep 2008, 16:54
I can confirm the above. Although not there anymore (but maybe soon to be!) not a problem for my wife to work in Sharjah even though my visa was for Dubai. As with anywhere else, depends on her profession, experience etc. Some professions much more highly valued than others, regardless of academic requirements, etc.

3rd Sep 2008, 17:46
my wife was working as a pharmacist in canada, any idea how do i check if she would be able to work as a pharmacist in dubai? any agency or websites???

4th Sep 2008, 07:36

Are you looking for a working wife or a position for your wife? :}

Not too clear.


4th Sep 2008, 08:31
Working wife!!

That is not why they came here! Shopping, coffee and spa treatments seems to fill the day for most ;)

4th Sep 2008, 10:16
Lots of Chinese girls looking to be working wife's! great variety available! often refered to as Lychee's (pronounced Li Chi, Live In Chinese).

Seriously though! Sheikmahandy gives good advise and if your wife has the will then there is always a way.

Makes sense to keep the other half out of the Malls!


break dancer
4th Sep 2008, 13:27
It used to be a simple case for the wives to work whilst on the husband's sponsership, just a letter and a labour card organised by the employer. Going onto another sponsership will cancel your "hold" on your wife, i.e. permission for driving etc, as that is now the new sponser's responsibility. All new visa's organised by yourself for your wife now carry the words "not allowed to work" which is a new thing. Not sure what the working wives are doing about it - maybe head in sand......

5th Sep 2008, 05:27
I am a working wife in Dubai. I am under my husband's sponsorship and it says housewife not allowed to work. No problem with that. My employer simply applied for a work permit for me. My husband had to write a letter saying he allows me to work. I also had the choice of changing my sponsorship to my employer, but would rather stay under my husband's visa.

Finding jobs here that pay well for women is hard. You are competing with alot of women from poor countries willing to work for next to nothing. I finally settled for a job that doesn't pay enough for me to support myself, but we just consider it extra money for savings as my husband's salary is enough to support both of us.

5th Sep 2008, 07:27
My wife works as well and while she started with humble beginnings through a temp service, she has parlayed her abilities to an E.A. position with an income over a starting EK F/O salary.
However, she works very hard, with long hours and colleagues calling her at all hours of the night (she swears it's business...) from around the world.
It can be lucrative for those that want to work but it can be a difficult start and once the ball gets rolling...
Not sure about the Pharmacist position...

6th Sep 2008, 00:12
Would a sponsored wife be able to start and operate a business in the UAE? Any one know or know where I could get that kind of info?



6th Sep 2008, 05:13
To be a pharmacist in the UAE you need to speak Arabic.

6th Sep 2008, 08:40
The free trade zones would be worth a look. Most offer visas which are sponsored by the FTZ itself. Involves some investement but it could offer your wife that opportunity to do her own thing. RAK have a 'virtual' FTZ and offer shared office premises and PO Box drops. Dubai has a well established FTZ and Abu Dhabi is developing one out at the airport.

Try google for more info.