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View Full Version : Mouse "Touch Pad" not working

drop bags bar
9th May 2001, 23:58
I hope somebody who knows a little more about these damn things than me can help me out. I've got a Sony Vaio notebook, I've had it for about a year over the past few days the mouse pointer has been very diffucult to move around the screen, it even seems to "bounce" off icons that I'm trying to click on. The thing is that it doesn't always have this problem it comes and goes but even when it's at it's best I still have to push down hard on the pad and drag my poor finger across the pad (And this limits the amount of PPrune time I have because my finger hurts like hell after a few minutes).

I've tried changing the mouse/ touch pad settings, Ran the updated version of the virus checker and even formatted C and re-installed all of my software.

Anyone had this problem before? How did you solve it?
Thanks for any pointers

10th May 2001, 15:19
It sounds like your problem is mechanical(hardware) related rather than software related, especially at it occurs sporadically.
You may want to have a look on the manufacturers web-site to see if this "feature" has been reported.
Try plugging a mouse in and seeing if that works. If it does you know that your software is not causing the problem.

Good luck

11th May 2001, 13:20
Try giving the surface of the "fingering area" a clean with a damp cotton bud / q-tip that you have put a tiny drop of washing up liquid on. Sometimes a bit of grime gets on there and messes things up. Don't get the surface "wet" though!


drop bags bar
12th May 2001, 04:05
Thanks Jay66UK.

Stole some of my wife's night cleanser, worked like a dream. The bud wasn't too dirty but still it's working 100% again.


Bird Strike
17th May 2001, 14:03
Hey Drop Bags Bar,

When you were using your wife's night cleanser, have you realised how much it was worth!? Had you known, you might have rather lived with your crook mouse. :)

drop bags bar
17th May 2001, 19:47
Hey Bird Strike...Funny you mention that, while I was unscrewing the sacred bottle all I could hear was her voice in the back of my mind "Do you know how much that costs????"

Ahhh but now my fingers are silky smooth!And my computer has never smelt better...got to try some on those dirty keys on the FMS, got to score points with the skipper you know!!!