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View Full Version : JAR-FCL Glider hours towards CPL?

29th Aug 2008, 07:17

I have got my PPL recently and want to go on with CPL(fATPL) modular studies. I have 56 hours on planes and 32 on gliders. As I understand I need 5 hours for night rating, 50 hours for IR and 11 hours MEP. What other hours do I need? I read JAR-FCL requirements and found out that 30 hours can be credited. How can I use my glider hours?

56+50+11+5+30=152 still a long way towards 200

1st Sep 2008, 10:13
A friend of mine had 300 hours on TMG's. After a call to CAA he found out the 30 hours dispensation is to issue only, so you still need to get 150 hours TT and 100 hours PIC before you can start your CPL course.