View Full Version : Call signs.

26th Aug 2008, 21:10
As a mere SLF can anyone tell me why more and more commercial flights no longer use their flight number as their call sign.Is this for security reasons or for ATC purposes?

26th Aug 2008, 21:25
Too many flight numbers clash these days with similar flight numbers from other airlines, and it can be very distracting. So callsigns like Shuttle13x are encouraged.

26th Aug 2008, 22:45
Exactly, and it can be more than distracting. 'Callsign confusion' is a hazard in busy airspace and a factor in runway incursions. Ask me how I know . . .

Changing the callsign to something weird and wonderful reduces the risk of 2 aircraft with similar callsigns on the same frequency. At least in theory.

27th Aug 2008, 07:54
Was at LHR recently and the following occured. KLM1025 called on final, tower controller advised KLM1023 and KLM1024 also on frequency!

When 1025 landed tower controller said "KLM1025, welcome to Schipol!"

Extreme case of possible callsign confusion, but it happened.

27th Aug 2008, 19:54
Thanks for your replies.That's cleared the air as you might say.