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View Full Version : Space Station Computers Crash

JP Justice
26th Apr 2001, 15:24
According to the BBC news the computers on the International Space Station have crashed, leaving the station reliant on the Shuttle's systems. They can't fix it so they are going to switch off and reboot them.

You know, I didn't realise that Microsoft had put Windows on the Space Station.

26th Apr 2001, 20:49
Imagine if they had to use M$ software to transmit the news of the glitch - we'd still not know about it.

Wonder what the VDU message was?

"'Space' module caused a kernel fault in segment xxxxx.yyyy"

"Hardware fault: Module 'orbit' has become unstable. You must relaunch module"

"Module 'EmergencyCloseAirLock' has caused a page fault. Reopen module to continue"

26th Apr 2001, 21:17

Sadly windows is much used in the broadcast industry (Avstar, inews,BNCS Router), but at least it looks prettier than the unix based systems it has replaced.