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View Full Version : IR Renewal / Proficiency Check

17th Aug 2008, 09:08
Hello there,

I have searched the web and did search this forum too. I am still a bit confused about what I need to do.

I ringed up the flying club, but am not satisfied. Basically, I passed my IR Initial last year in October and have not done any flying since. Now I am approaching one year.

I heard that there is a renewal test of some sort after one year, but at one point on the net, I read somewhere that this has been changed to two years. To add to the confusion, during the net search, another figure of 5 years is thrown in (some other check if five years elapses). I also hear the term 'proficiency check' and 'renewal' and am wondering what the difference is between the two.

I will appreciate any clarification on this matter.

Thank you.

17th Aug 2008, 10:40
If it was your MEIR that you passed last October then you are due for an MEP rating and an MEIR revalidation. Both are seperate ratings on your licence. For the MEIR, you can revalidate in a sim/fnpt2. Every alternate year thereafter you must revalidate in the aircraft. As for the MEP rating, you will need to do that in the aircraft with an examiner. The good thing however, is if you are simply looking to get your IR current for perhaps an airline job, then you ONLY need to revalidate that, not the MEP rating.

17th Aug 2008, 10:44
Your MEP expires after 1 year. Your IR expires after 1 year.

If you purely wish to fly IR in an SEP then you can renew the IR on an SEP.

If you want your ME plus your IR back, you can do them combined in one flight.

There's also the bit about the sim you can do to revalidate HOWEVER it appears you can only do the SIM ME renewal if the IR is still current or something to that affect (unsure really). When I had to do mine I was assured I could not just do a SIM ME because it had already lapsed.


17th Aug 2008, 11:02
I find it hard to believe anybody would spend that much time and money to get a CPL/IR and then has so little idea what is required to keep it up or how long it is valid for.

Assuming you have a CAA issued licence, all the answers you need are in LASORS (http://www.caa.co.uk/application.aspx?catid=33&pagetype=65&appid=11&mode=detail&id=1591).

19th Aug 2008, 19:05
Thanks very much for the help.

Spoke to the Flying Club again, now sure on what to do. I will just say what I was told: If within one year, I can do it in a sim; if more than a year, it will have to be in the airplane (not at Cranfield, but at the club). Thanks again.