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View Full Version : Hey Cebu Pacific/pal Pilots Jumpseat info requested

16th Aug 2008, 23:44
Hello, Im a US pilot and just wondering how your jumpseat procedures work. My wife is from CDO and we are going there often. I would love to be able to jumpseat back and forth to MNL if possible. I was thinking about commuting from the phls especially if I could JS. If anyone has any info or can PM me the chief's email I would be very greatful.

17th Aug 2008, 04:04
Sorry to burst your bubble DUDE, jumpseat travel doesn't fly here. No freebees on Lucio's or gkw's planes, unless they owe you... which i doubt. Besides you are white, which means you have money. So go buy a ticket pare!:ok:

17th Aug 2008, 04:20
Nothing free Amigo in RP, and No flight deck visitors after 911. I believed the concept was invented over there.

17th Aug 2008, 05:44
:ugh:You've got to be kidding me? what about yr own pilots, can you jumpseat on yr own airline? Do you guys have a union?

17th Aug 2008, 07:36
on cebpac there are jumpseats available if youre military or an airman from from another airline as i see ex cebpac crewmen sometimes deadhead also on our flights. not sure if this still works but you can email a request to our V.P. : dc true .might wanna give it a try wont cost nothing.

17th Aug 2008, 08:47
Union.... I just don't know where to begin. OH Mr. American, that doesn't want to buy a ticket. You potentially have opened a huge can of worms!! But I will restrain myself and just smile.:)

P.S if you really wanna try calling the VPs, pm me and I'll give you their numbers.:} Hey Sir Badiolax, gimme a teeekeeet!!

17th Aug 2008, 09:33
Jumpseat for your own Pilots??? yah,but operational i.e. Augmenting crew or part of the operating crew. Deadheading normally practiced in PAL, though Operational in nature but still their own Pilots use it as a free ride back home, good thing is a Pax seat is available for them most of the time. UNION? what the _ell is that????? I believed we lost this in our vocabulary, can you expand?Maybe if you buy a booklet of plane tickets a year in advance, they might give you a very good discount. Try both PAL and Cebupac, they'll be very happy to do business with you.

17th Aug 2008, 11:33
Didnt mean to pee in someone's wheaties here, I was just asking questions is all. I do nonrev between the US and MNL however I ususally do buy a ticket from MNL to CDO or wherever. However, since I nonrev back home from MNL, depending on the PAX load I may have to leave a day or two earlier than expeceted. Twice I was unable to BUY a ticket back to MNL and had to wait until the next day cuz the plane was full. So, I just thought it would be nice to have this option avaiable. Thanks for the info.