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View Full Version : Michael O'Leary on BBC News Hardtalk - 2330 15th August 2008

slip and turn
15th Aug 2008, 22:36
MO'L and Stephen Sackur ... now on BBC News (ch. 80 Freeview) ... should be interesting :ok: ...

He's already said he'll double his fleet by 2012 :hmm:

16th Aug 2008, 00:33
There's a thread running about this programme from when it was first shown earlier in the week. But there are so many FR threads in so many forums that I cannot find it right now.

In short, opinion was that MoL gave another of his fabulous performances, spouting solid good information and bull$hit in equal measures. The interview asked him the most predictable questions that he had no difficulty in fielding.

slip and turn
16th Aug 2008, 00:51
Yes PAXBoy, thanks for pointing that out - I went looking for a link to a recording on the BBC site after it finished. I was slightly embarassed to discover the 25 minute piece was first broadcast on 13th August.Anyway, I fully agree it was another virtuoso MO'L performance and Stephen Sackur, being roundly out-classed/out-blustered on this occasion, could only smile at the audacity of the man at the end...If anyone else hasn't seen it yet you can find it in full at BBC NEWS | Programmes | Hardtalk | Michael O'Leary (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/programmes/hardtalk/7558118.stm)
Not sure what has been discussed elsewhere but was interested to hear MO'L say he actually is now FOR immediate expansion of runways at STN LGW and LHR (many have quoted him in the last 12 months as 'not bothered' or even 'against' a second runway at STN, but not this week!

MO'L also pointedly said there would just be four large European airlines in I think 4 or 5 years time namely:
Air France
Ryanair(no Easyjet - or are they not 'big'?)

Anyway, I found it compelling viewing mostly for the entertainment (as is usual with MO'L - you have to laugh or you would cry!).