View Full Version : Need new Graphic Card & More Memory....

11th Nov 2001, 14:04

Just got hold of Flight Sim. 2002 and guess what....it doesn't bloody work on my machine!

Basically, need a tad more memory (FS2002 recommends 256Mb) and a new graphics card, my Voodoo 3 can't cope! (FS2002 recommends 16Mb RAM Hardware Accelerator)

Ok, so please help!
Can anyone recommend a decent graphics card by name so I can go buy it off the shelf cos i'm way out of my depth..!!

Any pitfalls on adding extra memory ?


11th Nov 2001, 14:31
Firstly it's not just the graphics card which will solve all your problems, often it's a higher CPU as well. For example the difference in frame rates between a 700MHz CPU and 1000MHz for me (using the same graphics card) was between 8-10.

Which processor and motherboard do you have? This is important because the latest generation of graphics cards require a special slot called an AGP (Advanced Graphics Port). Chances are you have one but do verify.

Ivor Bigwan
11th Nov 2001, 19:30
You need to check your motherboard manual to see the type of memory you can install, you also need to check how many spare slots you have. Memory has never been cheaper 128Mb of
PC133 SDRAM will cost you no more than 15 quid.

As for the GFX card if you've got an AGP slot you'll be able to get a Nvidia GeForce2 chipset card with 32mb for about £50. It all depends how much you want to spend really.

11th Nov 2001, 19:59
Check out what sort of memory you require, but 128mb sticks are now less than £9.00p. inc. VAT.

http://www.ebuyer.com/customer/products/index.html?action=c2hvd19wcm9kdWN0X292ZXJ2aWV3&product_uid=19820&PX_Session=f292 9368970d29406cb0e9670e35f18f

Just copy and paste this rather long address in the address bar, and it will take you straight there. :cool:

[ 11 November 2001: Message edited by: WhiteSail ]

13th Nov 2001, 19:34

Dont buy off the shelf !! You will be wasting your money.

Go to www.scan.co.uk (http://www.scan.co.uk) and click on their Today Only link and check out the deals.

Make sure the card is at least a GE Force II card with minimum of 32mb ( get 64 if you can afford it )
£160 should do it for you.

Also www.dabs.com (http://www.dabs.com) are good.

Memory is VERY cheap...... get as much as possible but make sure it is compatable with your exisiting system before you buy !!

13th Nov 2001, 20:34
FWIW, a 64Mb Nvidia GeForce 2 MX 400 can be had for £69ish (£59+VAT). Not sure if the £160 is a typo or a different card - even PC world aren't charging that much ;)

Tom the Tenor
13th Nov 2001, 23:19
My humble PC is a 466 Mhz Celeron, 64 MB Ram with Intel 810 sound & graphics. What chance do I have of getting any action from FS2002 - am I not at the races at all? Thanks, TTT.

Mister Slot
14th Nov 2001, 01:32
My Matrox G400max gave up the ghost last week. By a stroke of luck I had just been reading a shed load of reviews about graphics cards.

Based on what I'd gleaned I've purchased an ATI Radeon 7500 (just released in the UK). It has 64Mb of DDR memory, TV-out and supports two monitors, including digital out for appropriate LCD displays.

The card knocks the Matrox in to the Vauxhall Conference league. Unless you're in to heavy 3D gaming, you won't go wrong with this card - the reviews were spot on !!

If you are a Quake fan then consider the ATI RAdeon 8500 - it's got a slightly faster RAMDAC and is targeted at the high-end gaming market.

Hope this helps.

16th Nov 2001, 12:44
Thanks very much guys....very helpful..
I'll check out Scan.co.uk!
