View Full Version : Cockpit pictures

11th Aug 2008, 20:18
hello All

I need your help I am looking for pictures of a 737-700/800 cockpit windows right or left window ,I have looked all over the web and can get a right pic I want build a cockpit shell for my sim
any help would be great

12th Aug 2008, 01:34
Nearest I could find was this build-plan (http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.737ng.co.uk/fsxpand11.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.737ng.co.uk/technical.htm&h=315&w=420&sz=47&hl=en&start=42&tbnid=8pEE_cK2eCBN-M:&tbnh=94&tbnw=125&prev=/images%3Fq%3DBoeing%2Bparts%2Bcockpit%2Bwindows%26start%3D21 %26ndsp%3D21%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Doff%26rlz%3D1T4GGLJ_enUS283U S283%26sa%3DN) for a full-sized NG sim. It does have some sizes for the side window assy.

(Click on 'The Cockpit Shell' link, under the Red NEWS link).

Hope that helps.

12th Aug 2008, 01:46
I'm guessing you've already looked at www.airliners.net (http://www.airliners.net)?

Atlas Shrugged
12th Aug 2008, 02:53
Try here: Jerome Meriweather's Flight Deck Simulations (http://www.meriweather.com/flightdeck.html)

Not sure if the 737 is there

12th Aug 2008, 14:46
Thanks for your help i have done alot already with my simulator
and i am now need to look at the cockpit shell its just the windows i
am not sure of ,,, here my setup so far www.ein117.com (http://www.ein117.com)

13th Aug 2008, 20:26
Crikey. I just run around my garden with my arms outstretched, whilst the kids shout headings out.

13th Aug 2008, 20:55
I see you have the watch as well! :ok:

14th Aug 2008, 10:26
Impressive stuff. Can you explain to the uninitiated, ie me, what you mean by flying with ATC ?

14th Aug 2008, 12:57
Crikey. I just run around my garden with my arms outstretched, whilst the kids shout headings out."TURN RIGHT 13592 DEGREES"

Kevin, Looks brilliant so far!

Jimmy Macintosh
14th Aug 2008, 16:18
It looks impressive so far, are you going to "activate" the FO's side?

One small question, don't want to appear rude or anything, but is the uniform necessary?

14th Aug 2008, 16:47
bravo kevin...
something...what it takes to get a sim (like kevin's) approved by FAA or JAA.

I dont think i am exagerating iF i say that his sim is near to perfect!!!??

14th Aug 2008, 17:53
Thank you all for you kind words ,, I try to get it as perfect as I can,
it has taken me almost 4 years to get that far and still more to do with
it like the interior of the cockpit .

Jimmy Macintosh
14th Aug 2008, 22:34
Four years! Wow, how long was it before you could at least use it a bit?

15th Aug 2008, 00:02
will jimmy it started out just like any other sim pc and a joy stick so i add things from time to time and worked out the bugs then add the hardware .. i started with the MIP and then onto the MCP, Radios ,TQ FMC and then the overhead its long story and a lot of nights in the shed .