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11th Aug 2008, 04:22
Is it true that TF is reducing the productivity payment of AK pilots?

11th Aug 2008, 08:14
i've heard this rumuor, but hey, it's an LCC :}

Virtual Reality
12th Aug 2008, 05:20
It is on the scratchpad but 'EXECUTE" button has not been pressed yet.........:}

12th Aug 2008, 06:30
the oil price has dipped and hovering below $120 now will the fat bangla continue with the pay cut?

12th Aug 2008, 15:50
Go on press the execute button i dare them :E then wait and see most of the new capts and a lot of the indon guys find jobs somewhere else. Already there are rumors swirling about the new capts moving once they accumulate some p1 hrs.


12th Aug 2008, 17:45
320 bus driver...

are you sure many skippers will leave ak??

this rumors have been going on for years and years and tony knows this.

for the amount of capt airasia has the turn over of capt in airasia is very very low.

there could be many reason for this

a.the capt cant seem to get through or pass the interviews with major carriers like ek,ey,qr,sq,etc

b.capt are just happy and contented with what they have and the lifestyle in msia

tony know this fact and to make things worst he seems to say to everyone that whoever left ak are begging to come back

so i personally think tony will go ahead and take the gamble and cut the allowances...

I really want to dare him do this and see what will actually happens...

and for your info 320Busdriver there are much more ex airasia FO in major airlines than capts

13th Aug 2008, 05:14
Yes QAR i stand by what i said, if TF makes the mistake and lowers the productivity of the capts then a lot will leave. Goodness knows he cant lower F/Os pay anymore, in fact i heard that F/Os were likely to get a $20/hr increase. Like almost everything in life its a balancing act ( even with the retreating crude prices its still very expensive ) if he gives to the F/Os he must take it from somewhere else.
They made this mistake before with the FAs on airasiaX giving them $50/hr just to cut it down to $20/hr. Strategic thinking is not in their vocabulary, and yes QAR more F/Os have left than capts and more will continue from what i heard. If he lowers the capts productivity i guess the capts will continue the trend of "let your wallet do the walking"
Come on lets face it the pay for capts is not bad in malaysian terms but on a global scale its crap an F/O in vietnamair ( expat of course ) makes more in terms of hrs flown so i say again


13th Aug 2008, 08:25
Please be very careful with what you wish for....

As mentioned before it is a Low Cost Airlines ;)


23rd Aug 2008, 11:37
for sure nothings happen 'til now....last month they even increase the salary scheme for instructor...