View Full Version : Worlwide ISPN Your Recommendations ?

21st Dec 2001, 12:28
Foe all those global travellers amongst us who do you recommend as a worldwide ISPN provider ?

A company that can provide "local" connections at the least price ?

21st Dec 2001, 15:38
The one people tend to go for is AOL/Compuserve.

Cyclic Hotline
22nd Dec 2001, 00:47
I was a latecomer to AOL, after using a local provider from the very beginning. I decided to try AOL whilst moving from one area to another, just so I would remain connected at all times.

That was 2 years ago. Since then I have used it throughout North America, Europe, Asia and Africa and it has worked superbly in all places. It really is easy and offers a very good service. I don't believe I would ever give it up, even thought I have a (different) broadband service at home.

It typically takes about a minute to set-up a new location on your computer (and its easy). The only problem I have ever had is in some areas where it enters a complete number with area code and it is not yet in use.

If you have any difficulties dialling, just dial it manually from a phone and listen to what is happening.

I think it is an excellent service, and furthermore AOL 7.0 actually seems to work flawlessly!

22nd Dec 2001, 11:31
Thanks for your tips, all appreciated.

22nd Dec 2001, 12:22
My preference would be for <a href="http://www.attglobal.net/regctr/index.html" target="_blank">AT&T Global Net </a> because that way you can continue to use your normal email client (e.g. MS-Outlook, etc ) and / or browser based email, instead of that crap AOL offering.

22nd Dec 2001, 13:58
Pipex and Nextra(CIX) are 2 UK ISPs that do global roaming, check out <a href="http://www.gric.com" target="_blank">www.gric.com</a> for other ISPs. AOL would be OK if it wasn't for the fact that they force you to use their awful software!

22nd Dec 2001, 21:56
Have to agree with CrashDive. I use ATTGlobal - "local" call-in numbers worldwide (though hotels still manage to rip you off) and no extra software to mess around with.