View Full Version : down sizing a .gif

No Mode Charlie
30th Oct 2001, 21:36
Can somebody tell me wether it's possible and if yes: How? to reduce the size of a moving .gif .

Found a image which for some reason ;) i'd like to down-size to a maximum of 60*60. I can't seem to get it done without lozing the moving part of it.


31st Oct 2001, 01:52
Yes and no, you need ato take the animated gif and break it down into it's subparts, then resize each one, then reassemble.

MS Gif animator and photoshop - total time to do, appox 20 min if undisturbed.

No Mode Charlie
31st Oct 2001, 13:14
Thnx, it will probably take me a bit more then 20 minutes (don't have one of those prog's) but at least it will keep me occupied.

No Mode Charlie
31st Oct 2001, 17:30
That was exactly what I was looking for, while u did the above reply, I was busy downloading trialversion software (coffeecup animator), trying to get used to it and all that good stuff. Think I managed though. If I'm right then the image should be found below! Thnx all


1st Nov 2001, 17:32
I'm getting giddy just readng this thread!