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View Full Version : First week as crew - dizzy feeling?

Roller Disco
5th Aug 2008, 08:04
Hi all

I've just completed my first week as BA shorthaul cabin crew and for the past few days I've had a constant 'bobbing up and down' feeling with a bit of dizzyness, sort of like sea sickness when you are on dry land. Most odd.

I just thought I'd ask if anyone else had had this, will it go away and can I do anything to stop it?

5th Aug 2008, 09:08
I asume you have cut down on alcohol? ;)

Cabin crew genarally get very good blood values. This takes some time to build up. However this should be felt in the air and not on the ground.

Have you been dinking enough water? If you get dehydrated it can easily cause dizziness. So can sleep deprivation.

If drinking more water and sleeping more does not help I would see a doctor.

5th Aug 2008, 09:46
It is not uncommon. The balance mechanism in your brain/inner ear is getting used to the constant movement you have been experiencing in the air.

Many is the time I experienced a sensation of swaying from side to side when on the ground soon after commencing flying. This should ease with time but consider talking to your doctor if you are uncomfortable or it continues beyond a month.

Happy flying.


5th Aug 2008, 10:13
when I first started flying I also felt dizzy and light headed for the first week or so. Eventually it went away. See how you go in a week or so, maybe see your doctor if it doesnt go away

Roller Disco
5th Aug 2008, 10:15
Haven't been drinking alcohol at all so can't be that, am making a concerted effort to stay properly hydrated though.

That makes sense JsJ, thanks. I've only done 8 sectors in 4 days so far, hopefully it will settle down as I get used to it.

Thanks guys.

5th Aug 2008, 12:04
I had that swimming/floating feeling for about a month after I started flying. I never let it bother me, in fact I used it as a relaxation tool when trying to get to sleep (floating is relaxing in the pool/bath, so try to enjoy the feeling whilst it lasts).

In about a months time it will be gone and your body will be more used to working in the air :)

5th Aug 2008, 12:18
I think Jetsetjobbie is probably on the right lines. Having spent many years sailing and especially after a particularly rough sea, you come ashore and give the impression of the drunken sailor and your head tells you you are still at sea.

If that is the same sympton, then don't worry it will go. But if not, then I pass!

5th Aug 2008, 13:48
as an old timer in the skies I'd just like to say I still feel the same effects after a bumpy flight. get a weird swaying motion sometimes. i get the same if i've been on a boat or a cable car. i think it's an inner ear thing. i wouldn't worry, quite normal dear heart

5th Aug 2008, 16:56
I also got this feeling when I first started flying. I also used to feel very queasy as the aircraft started the descent. I don't get either anymore, so I think it is just a case of you and your body getting used to the different motions. Persevere with it and it should go on it's own, but if it doesn't, try drinking ginger ale and taking some air sickness tablets.

Scott Diamond
6th Aug 2008, 23:36
It should settle down... well done on your new job!!!! :O:O:O

Roller Disco
11th Aug 2008, 08:25
Well I'm a couple of weeks in and now and I seem to be cured!

Thanks for all your advice :ok:

11th Aug 2008, 09:31
i find the easiest way to deal with it is drink the bar dry on your overnights. smoke like its going out of fashion (oh thats right it is)...

and if youre on a widebody, try and get a position as close to the wings as possible...

congrats on taking to the skies...

12th Aug 2008, 08:48
Rollerdisco, I had exactly the same thing when I started. It took a while to find my airlegs. I was swaying while standing on solid ground. Its funny but it passing after a couple of weeks.:)

12th Aug 2008, 19:55
I still find myself 'moving' when I get off a flight even after a year and I live on a boat; I'm permanently rocking!!

15th Aug 2008, 21:14
Ive only been in the air for a month, and I felt the same after my first few flights, but it has calmed down now.

Had a very bumpy ride last time, and i felt it again, but it disappeared after a couple of hours... I enjoyed the little "buzz!"