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View Full Version : W32/SirCam Virus - Help required

Wet Power
20th Aug 2001, 12:53
Yesterday I downloaded the latest Viruscan DAT from Mcafee.

I ran the viruscan immediately and it announced that several viruses had been detected and must be deleted.

I did this without using any braincells and it turns out that I have removed an executable file that is required to open certain programs.

The file that is missing is the SirC32.exe file and I cannot find it anywhere.

I have looked on the Mcafee website but all it tells you is how to remove the actual virus - not how to recover the file.

Any ideas?

20th Aug 2001, 13:56
Wet Power,

Just brought up to the top the previous thread about it, hopefully there is something there to help you, good luck..........

Best regards,


That bloody flood control...........

Wet Power
20th Aug 2001, 15:11
Many thanks Lame, problem solved.

I used the Symantec Removal Tool as given in Crashdive's post of 22.7.01. The Mcafee cleaner that I had used previously didn't restore the Rundll.exe file that is required to open most files. The Symantec tool had no problem giving me this back.

Everything seems OK now.

[ 20 August 2001: Message edited by: Wet Power ]

21st Aug 2001, 10:59
No worries, glad you were able to fix it.....