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View Full Version : Corrupted jpg files on CD-R

Per Ardua Ad Asda
19th Aug 2001, 15:27

On attempting to burn some jpg files to CD-R, one discovered that they were all corrupted (Mirai x16x10x40 burner with 'Nero' software. BMP files are OK but the JPG's don't seem to want to come out to play. Anybody have a fix for this? :(

After trying various things to solve the problem, I also seem to have managed to lose the thumbnails for the JPG's in windows explorer. Again BMP and GIF files will show, but all I get for the JPG's is a quicktime icon :rolleyes:

Tenner's in the post already. Thanks in advance for any assistance guys.

19th Aug 2001, 20:06
I'm not familiar with that burning package, but the first thing to check is that the .jpg filetype association is still correct.
Windows Explorer, Options, File Types set .jpgs to open in IE (or some other graphics program you have).
If that doesn't work try using Irfan Skiljan's little IrfanView program. Despite it's simplicity and cost (nada), I have found that it will open just about any graphic of any version, when other 'sophisticated' products won't. If it can't open them, I'd say they were hosed on the way out, for which I can offer no help I'm afraid.

19th Aug 2001, 20:20
The original reason you lost the files when burning them could be because you (like me and most others) do not have a modern "burn-proof" cd burner, which means that when you burn a cd you should close all other background programs and not use your machine until it's finished. Other wise the cd has to stop recording for a mo' causing it to become corrupt. This is a quick and expensive way to make beer mats. This could be the problem or you might know all this already;-)

[ 19 August 2001: Message edited by: SR-71 ]

Per Ardua Ad Asda
20th Aug 2001, 03:45
tried irfans viewer - jpg's still show colour banding and image displacements, so no go there I'm afraid. I have heard that Nero's "Burning Rom" is supposed to be the Dog's bolleaux, but I have to say that my experience is that it is just bolleaux. Cute name and play on words but not really worth a sh!te. Will probably try Adaptec next. If that solves the problem, I will post a note to the effect.

The drive I have is a Mirai CRD-BP4-M CD-RW which has burn-proof technology, so that would not appear to be the problem. My suspicion is the bundled CD writing software.

Any ideas why my windows explorer will show BMP thumbnails but no jpg's? Associations in explore>view>folder options>file types, all seem OK. jpg is assigned as quicktime picture, content type [mime] is "image/jpeg", default extension is ".jpg" and actions just shows "open" (using C:\WINDOWS\VIEW32.EXE).

Maybe I should just get a Mac huh? :rolleyes:


20th Aug 2001, 06:58
You can always get IE to open a .jpg by pointing the browser directly to it (File, Open, Browse) or by keying the path into the address box.

Double-clicking while in Windows Explorer though will cause the 'associated' program to be used instead. In your case that's view32.exe which is QuickTime. The .jpg association was likely changed when you installed QT, either serruptiously or because you said 'yes' when it asked :)

Suggest you put the .jpg association back to IE. On the File Types list, select the JPEG entry, click edit then select the 'open' action in the box and click edit for that too. The 'Application used to perform action' box needs to be filled with the full path for Iexplore. You can get that from the properties (right click the desktop icon) or by copying it from the BMP entry in File Types.

20th Aug 2001, 07:29
Have you updated IE? The latest version causes a problem with Qicktime