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View Full Version : London Hems Sat am, thanks

30th Jul 2008, 21:19
I have been asked by the family to thank the crew who took their son to the London Hospital on Saturday morning. Jonathan did not survive but they were touched by he care shown. Thank you.

30th Jul 2008, 22:18
I'm sorry to hear the news, effortless.

But I know a couple of the Hems pilots. I'll make sure that they read this thread.

31st Jul 2008, 12:52


18th Sep 2008, 18:59
(Sorry to hijack this thread, I didn't want to clutter up the forum and start a new thread)

Cracking landing today guys, one of your more "High End" landing sites!! Beats the depths of East London and the M25!!

As someone standing inside the cordon looking out as you took off, there will be lots of footage of your departure on "youtube", as there was hundreds of camera phones pointing at you!!

Just wondering, the pilot in the left seat as you took off, the guy with the "interesting" beard! Please give me hope and say your self sponsored and not ex military?? Nothing wrong with ex military, I just left it too late to join.

19th Sep 2008, 06:59
Just for information, of the four permanent pilots at HEMS, three (including the chief pilot) of them are self-sponsored and the fourth is ex RN.