View Full Version : Entry level job with VFR CPL SE only!

30th Jul 2008, 12:57
I know the jobs will be very few, but I'm sure there are some out there.
But what type of entry level flying jobs could you get with just a VFR CPL single engine and 230 hours TT. (No Multi or IR rating) I'm not looking for anything special or paying a lot at this time, as its just entry level positions to build time.


30th Jul 2008, 21:16
Some of the ones that I can think of: dropping skydivers, banner towing, towing gliders, aerial photography. There are probably more.

9th Aug 2008, 15:35
Hi Jay ... I did the skydiving thing for 4 years to get to my job now. Go see Grand Bend Sport parachuting ( intrestingly enough ... in Grand Bend ) or SWOOP. They are always looking at the beginning of the season ( bit late right now, but give it a try )

Panama Jack
9th Aug 2008, 16:57

It can be a difficult start at your stage, not necessarily because of the licenses but because of the total time because of requirements the insurance companies dictate. Nevertheless, if a prospective employer figures you will be the right fit for his company, he can work something with the insurance company to get you covered to fly his airplanes.

There is a young lad flying the tow-plane where I did some summer gliding that had less than 500 hours who was in a somewhat similar situation; unfortunately, Commercial Glider Operators are few and far between in Canada.

There are plenty of single-engine VFR only opportunities in Canada. Of course, all positions are competitive. Don't discard the thought of getting your Instructor Rating-- it does offer the possibility of year-round employment that dropping skydivers, banner towing, towing gliders, aerial photography normally does not.

Good luck.