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View Full Version : Netscape 4.78 V 6.1

16th Aug 2001, 17:02
Another one for you. I am using 4.7 at the moment and quite happy with it. Is 6.1 basically 4.7 plus a few add ons or is it a different product alltogether?

The reason for my confusion Netscape are offering both products on their website?

:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

16th Aug 2001, 22:24
The 6.x series is based on the open sourced project Mozilla which was derived from the original netscape project.
You can download mozilla on its own from www.mozilla.org (http://www.mozilla.org) or go with the branded netscape version.

Personally I use either ie6 or opera5 depending on the mood i'm in as I find mozilla far too slow & bloated.

19th Aug 2001, 19:35
Opera5 ??????????????????

19th Aug 2001, 20:15
Yeah, I've just started uding Opera 5. By far and away the fastest browser on earth. Yes, their claims are true. Also features wise it's great with an intuative (?) interface called mouse gestures were you can perform very common commands without having to use a right click menu. I still use IE for a couple of sites although this is just a few. Only other gripe is that Go!Zilla download manager doesn't intigrate with it which is a shame but it does have its own and get right works well with it although I haven't tried it yet.

24th Aug 2001, 14:42

Not sure what you mean by Opera being the fastest browser. I downloaded it and opened a page previously unopend in each browser and the times were similar (Opera 1min 5sec, IE5 1min 2sec). Maybe it's because I have the banner ad version? Do you mean that it retrieves the cache quicker than IE. :confused:

[ 24 August 2001: Message edited by: v1rotate ]