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15th Aug 2001, 16:40
Every now and again, I get a ‘program not found’ window that pops up on my home computer, telling me that it cannot find XMPLAYER.EXE – which is needed to open files of the type .VBS
This happens every time on boot-up, every time I click on My Computer or Recycle Bin icons and occasionally when working in Windows Explorer. If I close the window down it reappears after a few seconds. There are some .vbs files in the windows folder and I suspect my son (whose hands can move faster than the speed of light! :rolleyes: ) deleted something by mistake - however, I looked for the exe file on my laptop with the view to restore it – but although it also uses windows 98, it wasn’t there!
What is it? More importantly, how do I stop/fix it? :) Can anyone help………..Please!

[ 15 August 2001: Message edited by: BALOO ]

15th Aug 2001, 23:00
In Windows Explorer, try View -> Options -> File Types: change .vbs files to be of type "text". I've never ever seen a .vbs that wasn't a virus... son if it opens up in Notepad, you're safe.

16th Aug 2001, 07:29
xmplayer is not the windows defualt program for .vbs files, and is not installed by default on WIN98. I think it is part of a proprietary VCD player package, but I could be wrong.
Be very very careful of .vbs files - they are nearly always virus attacks. Do you have a good up to date protection?

16th Aug 2001, 08:11
Unless someone has specifically changed the file type association (why?), a .vbs file would normally be set to open with Wscript.exe (1st) or alternatively Cscript.exe which are both part of Windows.

As somebody asked before what's the name of the .vbs it wants to open ?
If you don't have AV software installed already you might consider having Trend scan your system via the web. See: http://housecall.antivirus.com/housecall/start_corp.asp

20th Aug 2001, 09:13
You asked what your son has done now.

He's visiting certain sites - usually porn or hacker portal sites - and clicking on image links that install an .exe programme. The executable programme then provides access to the desired files. You may find that there is a deletion programme installed on your PC by means of which teenagers can clear their tracks when they log-off.

Never let teenagers near your own PC. They've b*ggered mine up something wicked. As to .vbs files - never open them. The consequences are dire, although you will become an expert in reconstructing your files and folders. You may even learn the secrets of The Cult of the Dead Cow. But believe me, you really have better ways to spend your time. If the worst happens, trash the PC and buy a new one. Then keep it locked up when you aren't using it. With an old fashioned locked cupboard solution I mean.

ZDNet is a useful source of programmes for tracking down and fixing bugs. Be careful though. Freeware is often loaded. Isn't cyber-life fun? Like visiting Patpong, you never know what you're getting until you've got it!

Through difficulties to the cinema

21st Aug 2001, 01:41
Thanks for all the advice :) and apologies for not replying sooner but I’ve spent the last few days trying to get rid of Haptime.A – a potentially nasty virus which the link supplied by Paper Tiger (great link Ta!) informed me that it can destroy all .exe files!
Unfortunately, the fix was only temporary. Despite the checker congratulating me on a ‘clean’ machine after fixing, the XXXXXXX virus reappeared as soon as I clicked on ‘My Computer’. Oh well, I’d been thinking of re-formatting C drive for some time and it wasn’t quite as painful as I thought it might be! The only program/CD I can’t find is the one I need to return all my backed-up data!!!! :rolleyes:
Oh, by the way, I couldn't find out which file it was trying to open, it just came up with the message I mentioned in my first post.

[ 20 August 2001: Message edited by: BALOO ]