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View Full Version : Paternity Leave at Emirates

Gunman returns
25th Jul 2008, 07:29

I join Emirates in August 08 and my wife is due to give birth in Nov 08. Can anyone tell me what happens with leave regarding this. If the baby is late(early) can you move days off around ? or is there no flexibility.



26th Jul 2008, 08:28

I always enjoy a good laugh!

This company has no paternity leave, and if even maternity leave for flying staff, ( if cabin crew happen to be married and get knocked up they have to leave the company full stop! and if they are unmarried and end up pregnant, they actually end up in jail ( sex outside marriage) if they can't get out of the country fast enough!)

As for moving your leave, reminds me of a certain Capt, who whilst in Australia on leave waiting for the happy day, which was delayed, attempted to extend his leave/get a few days off, wasn't allowed too, called sick, and on return to Dubai pulled into the office, disciplined with a final warning (means among other things, no profit share for 2 years).

he's no longer with us, as at that point he promptly resigned and told them to shove the job

26th Jul 2008, 08:38
I think it is fair to say that if your wife is about to have a baby a cockpit is NO place for you!!! It is downright dangerous.

I would think a call to your FDM would solve the problem. They were EXTREMELY helpful this spring when my son had a few surgeries - gave EL after a few quick phone calls.

26th Jul 2008, 09:16

I have had several friends and neighbors have children recently (it actually seems like an epidemic, but then the TV here isn't that great!!).

The company has always been very accommodating with getting the guys to the blessed events. Talking to a newbie a few days ago and his training had been re-scheduled to give him a week to get to his first child's birth.

26th Jul 2008, 12:37
Gunman & Kennedy,
that wasn't my experience. I went through the same thing - had leave booked -sought and was granted date change due to initially planned arrival date, then when child was late - a phone call to the fleet manager and bingo - 2 weeks emergency leave granted immediately.