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View Full Version : PPL to ATPL's

21st Jul 2008, 11:50
Hi. What evidence to you need to supply to your intended ATPL groundschool that you have gained your PPL? Do you have to await your licence return or are the schools happy to accept a letter from your school as initial proof to allow enrolment without delay?

21st Jul 2008, 11:56
Ask the school! I don't remember actually sending my licence to the groundschool as proof but I would have provided my licence number.



21st Jul 2008, 11:59
Legally you should 'hold' a PPL but there are plenty places who will enroll you on atpl, assuming you ae simply waiting or licence issue. When I did my groundschool, 2 out of the 8 students had just finished their PPL and were waiting patiently for the brown book to arrive. The School didnt have a problem with it. They were more than happy to sign people up and take their money!

But as whirlygig says, phone and ask the school!!!

Mercenary Pilot
21st Jul 2008, 12:05
You have to have held your PPL for 3 months before sitting any ATPL exams. If this isn't the case, the CAA will write you(and your CGI) a letter informing you that your application to sit the exams has been refused.

As far as I'm aware, most ground schools will take your word that you hold a PPL for the reasons I've just mentioned but i don't think you will have a reference number (same as your licence number) until your PPL comes back but I could be wrong about that.

21st Jul 2008, 15:45
Thanks all, everything I needed to know.

21st Jul 2008, 23:11
Mercenary Pilot

I have never heard of this rule of the three months between PPL issue and firts attempt at ATPL exams.

It sounds very sensible to me but I am wondering if it is an internal check that the CAA does and if it does it on every application or just randomly.

Is there any consequence if the exam application is refused for this reason?


Mercenary Pilot
22nd Jul 2008, 09:00
Is there any consequence if the exam application is refused for this reason?No not at all, I don't think its even mentioned in LASORS. It's just something the groundschool should be aware of before accepting a student who hasn't quite finished off their PPL.
