View Full Version : Camden Filming

18th Jul 2008, 10:06
Hey All,

Does any one know what was happening at Camden today?
cars, cameras and crew.


18th Jul 2008, 10:19
Could it be Australia's answer to top gear? :)

18th Jul 2008, 10:59
Does any one know what was happening at Camden today?

mudder goose. Whilst spoken in jest you might be close to the truth.....

I am aware BBC "Top Gear" was filming today at Camden. I don't know anything more than that. I was asked to caretake the premises they were to use as a base but I couldnt do it as I was away from Sydney......

What did you see..............???

18th Jul 2008, 12:25

I saw nothing. I'm nearly 1000KM away. It was mentioned on a radio station, about a month ago, filming would commence...June(?) for the OZ series. Given Top gear use an airstrip to cut loose it is probable cars, filmcrew and an airfield in OZ might be used for the same thing? This is pure deduction of course and conjecture. :8

From memory, the announcer did say filming would move around sections of the country side but I am happy to stand corrected.

18th Jul 2008, 12:36
Please resign your wild unsubstantiated remarks for the time, you learn something about the community for which you speak of, SIR!!!

If you want some more info on the area for which you speak, i will BE happy to email you, or phone or address you.. UP TO YOU buddy!

thankyou kindly


TID Edit: SMS777 won't be around for a little while. Racism or religious vilification will not be tolerated, and offenders will be banned without warning.

18th Jul 2008, 22:14
FS sounds more like RE to me :suspect: :D

...Wht would you tie up a perfectly serviceable airport when you have an equally serviceable motor racing circuit just over the hill? :confused:

sprocket check
19th Jul 2008, 08:02
maybe racing circuits just aren't cool enough for cars anymore...or maybe it's a plot to convert the existing airports to film studios... I wonder how much the corporation made out of location fees, probably around 20k for the day.

26th Jul 2008, 03:49
Yes, I am back from my exile.
Sir, You do not have to give me a lecture about the area, I have spent the last 20 or so years in and around Camden and regularly fly in and out of the airport. I was one of the strongest supporters of the local community against certain relegious group attempting to set up a stronghold which i am still cheering for not succeding. I do not want to openly discuss this issue too much further or i am risking another trip to Siberia again but just look at suburbs like Lakemba or Cabramatta and see what these relegious groups that you are protecting done to the community. I may have gone too far in my comments but i intended to be more sarcastic rather than racist, unfortunatly i hit a very sensitive nerve and i hereby apologise if i have offended anyone doing so.:sad:

As for Camden Airport.
Why can not these clowns with their cameras and plastic cars piss off to Oran Park which is a registered racetrack and only 10 minutes away and give me my runway back!:{

26th Jul 2008, 04:45
But to use a racetrack is to follow many before you. To use a runway is just, different!