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View Full Version : ETPS Flight Test Diploma for fixed wing pilots.

17th Jul 2008, 12:46
Just a quick question to those guys and girls how are currently in test pilot jobs. I was thinking about attending the Flight Test Diploma for fixed wing pilots at empire test pilot school, more info can be found here http://www.qinetiq.com/home_etps/Fixed_wing_courses.Par.80051.File.pdf . My question to you guys is, would a person be employable as a test pilot after completing this course? Even as a production test pilot ? I have been trying to think of ways to get into testing for a good while now and this course seems like a good way to get my foot on the ladder. I would really appreciate any input that you could offer me whether this would be a good career mover or a bad one… thanks in advance,,


Genghis the Engineer
18th Jul 2008, 11:30
Employability in flight test is a complex beast - flying experience, technical qualifications, track record, flight test training, practical experience, and most of all whether they actually need somebody, all are major players.

Within that, it's hard to see that qualification being a bad thing - 13 weeks intensive flight test training at the world's best known TPS. It's certainly likely to carry some weight, but probably less than having a lot of real-world FT experience.

On the other hand, looking at what's shown there, I suspect it may be less cheap than doing your ATPL all over again. I should ask about the price before getting too enthusiastic.


FTE Pruner
18th Jul 2008, 12:19
Isn't that the course you did Genghis?


Genghis the Engineer
18th Jul 2008, 12:54
Nope, I went onto the 1-year FTE course, but got chopped about 9 months in and went over to running a ground test department at BDN for a while. I then moved out into the light-civil world and part-time did a PhD in flight test methods development (which I passed that time, being about 8 years older and cleverer by then, along with having about trebled my flight test time whilst working in the little aeroplane world).

Careerwise, the PhD has done me a lot of good but (a) I'm an aero-engineer who does some TPing, not a career TP, and (b) it took *()**(( years, so is not a quick fix for anything.


22nd Jul 2008, 19:21
This course is specifically aimed at military
and civil pilots and engineers engaged in
aircraft development, production and
acceptance programmes for which they
are required to plan, conduct and report
on flight test within a cleared envelope

I don't know how much the course would cost, but if you are not being sponsored by a lucrative company to attend, I'd suggest you start buying lottery tickets by the bagful and keep your fingers crossed.

I remember seeing the invoice for one of my fastjet survival courses at Boscombe, £5000 and that was a 1 week course 10 years ago.
For the FWFTD course I’d be surprised if there were much change from £100,000 when you factor in accommodation, living expenses etc.

Even if successful on the course, I’m not sure where you may get a TP job. There aren’t many about, but there are many very good experimental test pilots looking for work…. I was buying one of them beer last week as he sobbed over the possibility of having to stay in the armed forces.

Good luck.

p.s. Don't use 2, 12, 16, 33, 37 & 41 (on the lottery), that's a losing set of numbers if ever I saw one (I hate sharing good things, with the exception of advice on fantasy TP jobs).