View Full Version : About EY and EK

14th Jul 2008, 22:28
Hi guys, I have a question.
Well I heard about if you are working in middle east and your family live in other country, you cannot send any money or safe money? Is that true? That you have to spend all your salary in that city, example dubai.

How many mexican pilots are working in middle east? Do you know someone?


14th Jul 2008, 22:56
Be nice please, English may not be this gents 1st language.

W Weasel
14th Jul 2008, 23:32

Buenos Dias Mi Amigo!

You were really jumped on by others here in the UAE that did not take the time to truly read and attempt to understand what you meant. There is that problem here with native and non-native English speakers assuming (ass – u – me) things and that is something you will have to deal with should you decided to come.

To answer your question, yes it is quite expensive to live in the UAE, especially Dubai, with inflation running in the double digits for some time now. One of the local problems is the peg of the dirham (the local money) to the US dollar. It has created hyper-inflation for some nationals with people having to spend a very large percentage of their money to exist here and not being able to send home what they use to.

Having said that, I believe you come from North America – Mexico – and that should not be as big a problem for you as with Europeans (Euro/British Pound, Aussies, South Africans and Indian Subcontinent workers.)

Yes there are Mexican pilots here – a personal friend is a former Mexicana pilot. There are also a large number of Columbian, European Spanish, Portuguese from Macau and Portugal and Brazilian pilots as well. Not to worry you will be able to speak Spanish (many of the Portuguese guys speak Spanish too) whenever you want.:ok: Heck my F/O yesterday was a Russian who is engaged to a Mexican from Ixtapa.

It is highly likely, for any pilot, to find a fellow national working here in the Middle East if not in the UAE directly.

Burners and Out

15th Jul 2008, 10:26
Hola Metallicapilot!

Bueno, creo que lo mejor es responderte en Espanol para que no haya malos entendidos y para que estos "cuates" no te la monten con el tema del ingles. Mira, yo llevo por estos lares ya casi 3 anos y la verdad es que de lo unico que me arrepiento es de no haber tomado la decision de haberme venido muchisimo antes. Asumo que estas volando en Mexico no? Bueno, yo vole en Colombia 15 anos y la verdad es que aparte de la experiencia profesional que adquiri alla con Avianca,desde el punto de vista financiero puedo decirte que escasamente "sobrevivi" ya que los sueldos en centro y sur america no dan para mucho mas. Aqui no te vas a volver millonario pero que puedo decirte, que si sabes administrar tu sueldo vas a vivir holgadamente y puedes incluso invertir parte de tu sueldo para la compra de vivienda en tu pais (o donde quieras). Yo en tres anos ya he comprado dos propiedades en Colombia y dejame decirte que aqui no estoy aguantando hambre para poder hacerlo. Creo que pprune no es el mejor sitio para tomar referencias ya que muchos de los que escriben, no se porque, parece que fueran anti-sistema por naturaleza; esto es, se quejan por todo. Si no me crees, mira por ejemplo el thread de la compra de aviones de Etihad y veras que la mayoria en vez de alegrarse por ello, empiezan a hacer cabalas acerca de donde van a parquear los aviones o como se va a manejar la programacion mensual de vuelos!!!!!!! Yo en Avianca, escasamente deseaba que me pagaran el sueldo y que la compania no se fuera a acabar; ves la diferencia?
Aqui afortunadamente existe una gran colonia latina (ciudadanos desde el sur del rio grande hastala patagonia) asi que te sentiras casi como en casa, lo unico que tienes que hacer es tomar la decision de venirte y ponerte en contacto con los latinos que estamos por aca, ya que te aseguro que te abriremos las puertas de nuestras casas y de nuestroscorazones, asi que animo y por aqui te esperamos! Un abrazo "guey"

15th Jul 2008, 23:18
Duda aclarada..Muchas gracias!
Desert ya que andamos con español, una ultima pregunta...
Siendo mexicano tendre las mismas posibilidades de recibir una oportunidad de entrevista en emirates o etihad como cualquier piloto de otra nacionalidad?, como cuanto tiempo tardaria en recibir una llamada o algo para entrevista, supongamos trayendo yo un rating de A320s...

16th Jul 2008, 01:59
Can someone translate this so we all can be in the picture.

16th Jul 2008, 05:15
In a nutshell he answered in Spanish because there was a bit of misunderstanding from the English speakers. Was glad he made the move and wished he had done it earlier. Was able to save and has bought two properties in Colombia since coming out.
(The very short version)

16th Jul 2008, 15:59
And right he is. I arrived with 13 cartons 8 years ago and now own a two million dollar villa, two brand new (paid in cash) luxury cars and am looking forward to a comfy retirement very soon - a lot younger than 65.
Yeah, you guys will flood me with raw sewage now about how the bubble is going to burst- but that won't make me lose a single dollar - and certainly not a single night of sleep.

16th Jul 2008, 16:36

Thank you for such a clear response. I'm just starting and I'll be heading to Colombia (south and central America) to build my hours, but planning to go to other parts of the world once I have the hours. Gracias y porque hay tantos anti-sistema en estas paginas? No entiendo....No sabran de la realidad de otras partes del mundo....



16th Jul 2008, 18:55
Desert Storm,

Hi, I hope you don't mind me asking but which airline in the ME do you fly for? Are you an FO or a CAPT? I am assuming from your post you are capt, and thus are clearing enough to give you a comfy lifestyle.

I really enjoyed your post to Mpilot...."es bueno leer algo positivo en este forum". I am close to 4K and was thinking about applying to EK, I probably won't be too competitive now given the circumstances, however I am very close to my command here in LPE on the BUS. I find myself attracted to EK and EY and the T7 and by what the expat life has to offer.

Any advice greatly appreciated. Gracias de antemano companero.



16th Jul 2008, 19:27
When you do your research remember to "read between the lines" and don't let too much of the negativity from Pprune cloud your decision making. It is kind of hard to take seriously complaints when you have either lost your job or the airline in your home country only pays you enough to "survive". When I went on the expat market I had two first choices, Emirates and Etihad followed by a distant third with Qatar, never considered India, Korea or Japan, all for different reasons. After getting through interviews with EY and EK was offered a job with EY , and not wishing to go through with medicals, sims etc at Emirates I accepted Etihad. Have had no regrets since (well maybe some, EK seems better organized). I was with a legacy carrier which had been in existence for sixty years and was suddenly cast off, me having thirty years in the company.


Escuche lo que a dicho Desert Storm, el sabe de que esta hablando,

Buena Suerte.