View Full Version : B737 NG & EEC hard modes

13th Jul 2008, 16:47
Why is it that when a failure of an EEC occurs, and both are now placed in the hard mode, this new mode results in a slight increase in V1 speeds? QRH refers.:confused:

13th Jul 2008, 22:14
Cant remember exactly, but I'm sure its because the engines are flat rated and is so to compensate for enviromental conditions. ie power drop due to pressure and temp!

If wrong let me know!


14th Jul 2008, 07:40
No, i think it is because the EECs no longer compensate for environmental conditions and so go on what stored data they have which usually gives you an increase in speeds.

14th Jul 2008, 08:30
when the EEC is placed in the hard mode, this new mode will take a 30 c as a default temperature .as you know when the temperature increases v1 speed increases as well.