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11th Jul 2008, 13:55
Racism claims delay Heathrow decision

Ministers have delayed their decision about expanding Heathrow (http://www.heathrowairport.com/) following claims the move could be racist, according to press reports today.
Transport secretary Ruth Kelly was expected to make an announcement on plans for a third runway, sixth terminal and more intensive use of the current two runways next month, but said yesterday the ruling would not happen until some time 'before the end of the year'.
Ms Kelly said the deadline had been extended so the government could complete its 'Equalities Impact Assessment', which should have been included in the original consultation document.
The move comes after campaigners said plans to end the Cranford Agreement, which prevents easterly departures from the airport's northern runway, could be racist because those affected would be mainly from ethnic minorities.

Source: UK-Airport-News.info

Racism claims delay Heathrow decision : Heathrow Airport News Stories (http://www.uk-airport-news.info/heathrow-airport-news-100708b.htm)

11th Jul 2008, 14:09
Absolutely brilliant! You can't make this stuff up.

The politicians would make a fortune writing comedy sketches and we'd all be better entertained.

11th Jul 2008, 14:24
John Cleese for MP/MEP!

11th Jul 2008, 15:08
Is this what the United Kingdom has been reduced to?

Its truely embarrassing...

11th Jul 2008, 15:42
Do our esteemed leaders have any grasp of the prevailing wind direction in the UK? Surely the Royal family and their Windsorly neighbours will be most affected :ugh:

11th Jul 2008, 16:51
Third runway and sixth terminal is more of a joke :ugh:

11th Jul 2008, 17:28
Much of that area IS settled by those from mid-Asia (including India), but that's hardly racist. Just because they all settled there does not mean that ending the agreement is designed to force them to relocate. The problem would exist even if it was Caucasians, Africans, Latin Americans, Japanese or whatever other race you can think of, lived there.


11th Jul 2008, 18:01
Why is the racism always thrown into an argument. This is the easiest way to get publicity against the expansion.

11th Jul 2008, 18:03
Why is the racism always thrown into an argument or a debate.

could be racist because those affected would be mainly from ethnic minorities

This is the easiest way to get publicity against the expansion. But would it be the same if most of the area was lived in by British people.

4 engines 4 longhaul
11th Jul 2008, 18:07
So i suppose it's alright to send it over us westerners then, well give into them just we like we always do:hmm:

.......Damn coming to think of it might just claim that muslims wareing Veils offends me to the point it's racist!

11th Jul 2008, 18:08
So does this mean that it is ok to bull doze bits of Hookwood/Horley, or Thaxted/Dunmow, etc because they are largely inhabitted by Indigenous people.

What a load of tosh...serves all of you right who voted for new Labour.:ouch:
They have turned the UK into a soft touch and a laughing stock.:(

11th Jul 2008, 18:56
The posts on this subject are becoming distateful and racist. Has anybody from an "ethnic minority" complained? No. The comment was from the government supposedly.

Please don't band around terms like "Westerners" and " English". People from ethnic minorities can be both English and Western.

Buster the Bear
11th Jul 2008, 21:39
In that case ban the OLNEY 1 BRAVO from Luton as it compramises my bear like rights to a good snooooze!