View Full Version : Min Height

10th Jul 2008, 18:00
Hi All I'm wondering if you can help me.

Air hostessing has always been my dream job ever since I was a little girl. I've decided to give it a go.

I know that the Min height is 5ft2...and I got my mum to measure me this morning and she said I'm 5ft3 with her inches tape measure. Then I got a few people at work to measure me with tape measures and got 5ft3 too. I then went to Boots and their electronic machine said 5ft1.8 I am sure that isn't right?? Then went to M&S to their wall measure and she said im 5FT2!! How do you get measured at interviews?? Electronically or manually?

10th Jul 2008, 21:23
Carefully... :)

10th Jul 2008, 21:43
Carefully? Can you elaborate?

12th Jul 2008, 17:48
hahahaha... funny =). In my airline u won't get measured, they just wanna make sure u will be able 2 reach 214 cm. Which they will test by letting u take of ur shoes and then reach for the tape marking 214 cm on the wall. Simple as that!

13th Jul 2008, 12:31
Basically you'll have to be able to close overhead lockers, and, more importantly, be able to reach safety equipment stowed in overhead lockers.

I'm sure you'll be fine being 5'3. Put that on your application forms, and give it a shot. As Sylvestria said, most airlines won't actually measure you, and I never had to do a 'reach-test' either (saying that, I'm 5'10, so I guess there was no need.).

You have nothing to loose :-)

17th Jul 2008, 15:42
Im the same, well im 5ft 1 so would any of the airlines accept me?

My friend is crew and shes really enjoying it so im thinking of giving it a go.

18th Jul 2008, 02:24
I know from experience over the past year with recruitment days for: Virgin, Team Jetstar, MAM and QCCA, we were all measured by backing up to a tape stand with shoes off. I also remember on two of these days we did have a couple of ladies 'sent home', but I think they were well under the min. height limit.
I believe that if you are on and not under the min, you should be ok.
Good luck.

28th Jul 2008, 01:37
Hi!!! I'm about 5'1 and I work for Jetstar.... although I did have experience prior to JQ with another airline??? I know alot of flighties under the required height, so if i was you.....GO FOR IT!!!:)

28th Jul 2008, 12:30
Hi Guys

I've found it varies between airlines....especially with the minimum height issue. The minimum height is a safety thing as is your reaching height so it is very dependant on the aircraft the airline operates...e.g. 757 Ceiling Stowages are obviously quite high so airlines that operate that particular aircraft will require 5'2 or a certain reaching height.

A lot of smaller airlines that operate props. etc from London City and smaller airports can require a height of only 5ft.

If your 5'1.8 - I'm fairly sure you'll be fine though even with a 5'2 height restriction. The other thing to do is test your reaching height before going to an interview so if they seem a little uncertain about your height, tell them your reaching height to sway them your way!

Best of luck in whatever airline you decide to go for!

6th Aug 2008, 09:56
Go for it!

As an aside we are taller in the morning than in the evening so if you need to be officially measured, my airline does, try for a morning interview.

Don't forget one persons 5'2" is another persons 5'3"!!!!!

Good luck