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8th Jul 2008, 05:52
I'm a mug when it comes to cancelling Sartimes, and I admit it.

It creates unnecessary work for Airservices and must be a bloody nuisance to them.

I've put my little yellow Sartime thingy on my bag. I know about using your mobile phone alarm, but that's not much use when your phone is turned off in the outback is it?

Yet all I cop is guffaws in the bar when the phone rings looking for me, or I hear another aircraft telling the Powers that be that the aircraft is firmly on the tarmac at it's intended destination.

Now I wonder if anyone else feels like me about wanting to purge this personal embarrassment?

At the risk of getting flamed, I wonder if there is any way Airservices could efficiently "fine" me (say $15) for forgetting to cancel Sartime and donate the money to RFDS? Or could someone set up the modern day equivalent of the old "swear box"?

How many times a day do people forget to canx Sartime? How much money could be raised for RFDS?

8th Jul 2008, 06:53



8th Jul 2008, 07:20
Good idea.

Given that ASA probably won't actually do it, you could just do it yourself on an honour basis. You forget to cancel Sartime, send a $15 donation to the RFDS. That way ASA won't be skimming anything off the top for an "administration fee" either.

tail wheel
8th Jul 2008, 08:05

It is against PPRuNe rules giving Government further revenue rip off ideas!! :{

Go buy an alarm clock with the big bell on top and add: "SARAlarm Set" to your check list! :ok:

Tail Wheel

8th Jul 2008, 08:12

I agree with 'Aerocat',
If it would make you feel better, make it $50 to the boys and girls at the RFDS.
That way, perhaps you will 'catch on' faster.......:ok::ok:

I do know from lotsa personal experience, that it never 'bothered' us as FSO's to have to contact pilots or find out their whereabouts -
there are often 'extenuating circumstances' which may intervene.

Sometimes it was quite (very) amusing - and if local, always meant a shout at the 'Friday Session' at the aero club.

Go for it!!:ok::ok::D:D

Atlas Shrugged
8th Jul 2008, 08:16
Oh for **** sake! :ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh:

How hard is it to cancel a sarwatch?

Centre: xxx circuit area dicksville, cancel sarwatch, OR
Centre: xxx landed dicksville, cancel sarwatch, OR
Have another aircraft relay it, use a mobile, use a landline or try using your brain. If you can't figure it out or you can't remember to do it even with your "little yellow thingy", whatever the **** that might be, then you shouldn't have a license.

Good grief...........

8th Jul 2008, 08:28
Well there you have it... :eek:

Somewhere about 20+ years ago, I cancelled Sar with the local TWR, only to discover, much to my embarrassment, that I hadn't filed a flight plan. Yep, we're sure keeping the ATS folks on their toes! :ok:

FWIW, I like the idea of a self-fine. Make it $100 and learn even more quickly eh? Probably still cheaper than a few gallons of gas...

Howard Hughes
8th Jul 2008, 08:34
Make it part of your downwind, or after landing checks, that way you will never forget!:ok:

Of course with all those $15, perhaps the RFDS could give us a payrise...;)

8th Jul 2008, 08:40
I would suggest making it an after landing check (if you go down that route), I know of more than one aircraft that has come to grief turning base/finals (and yes, they were ops normal prior to that). Just a suggestion...carry on :}

8th Jul 2008, 09:19
6 times in the last 3 months,I have cancelled SAR with melb centre 122.4. But its hasnt gone through to SENSAR. A while later I get a call asking why my SARTIME isnt cancelled.

Cap'n Arrr
8th Jul 2008, 12:46
Unless you fly your own plane, best way I've seen is as above - a carton to the company/flying club stash. Forget it once or twice, it won't happen again. And theres always lots of beer to be had by all.

What with FW shutting down all over the joint, it's hard to do it over radio as centre don't have to accept it, and as has been said it doesn't always go through to CENSAR. Atlas - there's a difference between SARTIME (VFR) and SARWATCH (IFR).

Set a reminder/alarm in your phone. Most new phones can have the alarm set to go off even if the phone isn't on. If you get used to doing it as part of the post flight duties, when you don't do it you'll know you've forgotten something.

Side note - AMSAR (i think thats what its called) can fine the individual involved already for the costs of initiating SAR. They just normally let it fly unless the company or individual is a repeat offender, and normally said offender will be told by them that "in future, it'll cost you":ok:

Atlas Shrugged
9th Jul 2008, 01:01
Atlas - there's a difference between SARTIME (VFR) and SARWATCH (IFR).

I know, but that wasn't the point I was making.

9th Jul 2008, 03:12
A very simple way that worked well for me was to write your sartime on the back of your hand. You don't wash it off til it's cancelled. That way the reminder goes anywhere you go. It stays right with your, within your field of vision.

Desert Duck
9th Jul 2008, 06:40
Send a decent donation to the RFDS - that way you will be in credit for the year.

9th Jul 2008, 09:41
I'm surprised Sunfish that you'd need to lodge a Sartime for your flights in the Essendon and Moorabbin training areas...

Better still, leave the aircraft at the school and send donation direct to RFDS.

9th Jul 2008, 13:14
A very simple way that worked well for me was to write your sartime on the back of your hand. You don't wash it off til it's cancelled. That way the reminder goes anywhere you go. It stays right with your, within your field of vision.

Carrying on from what Bushy wrote, I used to put my watch around one horn of the yoke when doing the mail runs around the NT. It was one way of reminding me to cancel my Sar'time' when I was shutting down (when I was getting all my gear together to hop out of the aircraft at the end of the day).

Each to their own way of reminding themselves I guess. One of the other guys used to hang his watch on the inside door handle....

10th Jul 2008, 06:51
I've "cancelled" my sartime on multiple occasions on brisbane radar flightwatch 119.5 only to find them calling me when my sartime should have expired.

Its not ATS fault, when you cancel your sartime with them, all they do is wright it down on a piece of paper and end up calling flightwatch anyway. Then they get busy and forget to cancel your sartime, such a joke of a system.