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5th Jul 2008, 07:56
The rumour that Scrotum Face is leaving Qantas in the next month or so appears to be gathering momentum.
Maybe its just wishful thinking....may it prove to be true sooner than later.

5th Jul 2008, 08:18
Don't know about early - for heaven's sake the last official extension expires this November I think.

Anyway, in case you missed it

Clifford plans a change of guard | The Australian (http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/story/0,25197,23970535-5013408,00.html)

Mstr Caution
6th Jul 2008, 04:58
The scuttlebug late last week, was that Leigh Clifford wants full disclosure to the board the group contribution by J*, including those costs absorbed by mainline.

6th Jul 2008, 05:27
Maybe Cliffords sense of smell has detected a decaying rat

Howard Hughes
6th Jul 2008, 07:11
The celebration after Geoff's departure will be short lived! Once the new encumbent discovers exactly what has been going on, they will be left with no option but to CUT COST'S (ie: more of the same)!:rolleyes:

6th Jul 2008, 07:16

Lets get all the regular Q bashers together and watch them turn Q into a 2billion dollar profit company. You know 777's, axe Jetstar, pay rises for all even with $150 dollar a barrel fuel.

Go boys.

teresa green
6th Jul 2008, 07:36
I'll believe it when I see it. Reminds me of the sign down at the local pub, "free Beer tomorrow"!:suspect:

6th Jul 2008, 08:24
:\I'm with tunedog.

Careful what you wish for folks.

For instance - relative costs and strategic projections leads Clifford to flog QF mainline to Lufthansa and focus on Jet*


6th Jul 2008, 08:33
Yes it makes enormous sense to chase the low yield price sensitive market at the expense of premium pax who fly largely regardless of world wide economic trends offering them a product that you can leverage a far higher yield..........

Doesn't it Geoff??

6th Jul 2008, 09:02
If it is indeed true that full disclosure of the "contribution margin" of Jetstar is required then finally has someone called Dixon's bluff.

I have heard through very reputable sources that he is largely alone in his pursuit of J*. The exeuctive have not spoken out, that is largely a result of them lacking integrity.

If this exercise has in fact done as I have suspected all along and dilute market position, reduce earnings and do a great deal of damage to the brand, then Dixon's place in history will be assured and his demise more rapid than he hoped.

His retirement will be hyped up, however if in fact the J* contribution to group performance is as small as I and many others suspect, then we have a long way to go to repair his "management"

Mstr Caution
6th Jul 2008, 10:04
Announce the full year 2007/2008 results & go out on a percieved high.

The engineers would have the PIA on hold till the end of the school holidays, by that time it's the new CEO's problem.


6th Jul 2008, 10:18

long sigh......this is just sad

a cunning bastard
6th Jul 2008, 11:14
Why is it sad GeneX :confused:

Well I suppose it would be sad if QFInsider is right and you're a Jet* A330 driver, you'll wind up back on the A320 when Jet* Intl is folded up.

I for one would like to know if the Jet* experiment is a success or not. Not the spin but the cold hard numbers, including how much QF has absorbed to keep the figures looking rosey.

6th Jul 2008, 13:06
So ACB, buy some QF shares and then exercise your right as a shareholder, to receive those answers.

If not for the second part of your post, you may received some support of your query.

6th Jul 2008, 21:42
While it's only a rumour it sounds credible.

From Dixon's point of view, he goes out with his reputation intact and doesn't have to make peace with the ALEA.

From the Board's point of view, they get a the possibility of a fresh start and a new business strategy that takes account of oil prices, inflation and demographic changes associated with continuing high oil prices and perhaps a recession as well as late delivery of the A380 and 787.

My guess is that they will appoint a "circuit breaker" CEO from outside the company, and my number one candidate would be the guy who is running Air New Zealand right now.

Then begins the process of cleaning out the stables. My guesswould be that QF shares will go into free fall if Dixon announces his departure, not because the profit this year won't be good, but that next year whoever has replaced him will make a stack of write downs when the follies of GD are reversed.

6th Jul 2008, 22:17
I wouldn't give this board that much credit. The company, it's network, and it's operational staff, were in meltdown over the weekend. I believe the board, and the executive have no idea how difficult it is at the moment, and I also don't think they care. I predict one of the 3 internal candidates delivering more of the same. I hope I'm wrong.

6th Jul 2008, 23:19

My guesswould be that QF shares will go into free fall if Dixon announces his departure, not because the profit this year won't be good, but that next year whoever has replaced him will make a stack of write downs when the follies of GD are reversed.

From the looks of the QF price history chart published by the ASX. it looks as though QF shares have already been in free fall for quite some time (about $5.25 at start of the year and now down to $3.35).

So if the new incumbent needs to make the write downs that you (sensibly) suggest need to be made, then he/she hasn't got too much latitude in terms of consequential downward share price movement before the ensuing shareholder 'revolt'/'riot' gets totally out of hand I'd have thought.:ooh:

7th Jul 2008, 07:35
The vertically challenged runt now has a Chairman that has not only got balls but has an excellent understanding of how a large business is run.
No rubber stamp from Clifford.
The Runt has nowhere to go but out.
Finally everyone will see that the emperor has no clothes.

7th Jul 2008, 12:42
I have heard through very reputable sources that he is largely alone in his pursuit of J*.
You need to get yourself some new "reputable sources".

If this exercise has in fact done as I have suspected all along and dilute market position, reduce earnings and do a great deal of damage to the brand, ...
Jetstar is part of the brand! Therefore, for each of your assertions, it is fair to say the opposite is true.

a cunning bastard:
I for one would like to know if the Jet* experiment is a success or not.
You must live in a darkened room with no contact with the outside world to be asking this. VB was a significant threat to Qantas when they came along but are nowhere near that threat level now. Throughout that time, in fact, Qantas has risen to become one of the top 3 airlines of the world and their financial performance has been outstanding.

Sunfish, what will be written down?

genex, your posts are like a breath of fresh air around here. Please continue them.

7th Jul 2008, 12:53
Throughout that time, in fact, Qantas has risen to become one of the top 3 airlines of the world and their financial performance has been outstanding.

Yep, all due to the Jetstar contribution. Which includes this:

Today I started trying to book a doctor client MEL BKK at 1130 - the booking engine finally accepted the credit card at 2145.

You, know. All that synergy between JQ and QF, holding back the DJ tide. Wow. Let's just dump the QF brand and go for the real money generator like the one EWL experienced today.

a cunning bastard
8th Jul 2008, 04:37
If not for the second part of your post, you may received some support of your query

You're obviously concerned about the contribution margin as well. And I can guess which side of the fence you're on.


You must live in a darkened room with no contact with the outside world to be asking this

Actually you must not understand the business if you are not asking this.

VB was a significant threat to Qantas when they came along but are nowhere near that threat level now

About 4 or so years ago when the rapid expansion of VB slowed, it was not due the arrival of Jet*, but the fact that they had expanded so fast that their support systems (engineering etc) had hit capacity. Since the support systems caught up they have been consolidating. Also several other factor have caught up with them, lack of fuel hedging and their ageing fleet now costs more to maintain than when they first arrived (something about to start appearing on the Jet* radar and balance sheets).

So now they (VB) are coming after the premium business (high yeild) traffic. And why.... because QF have forced them into a position where they have to, at the same time the premium mainline brand (where most if not all of the profit is made) is being canibalised in an effort to prop up your so called success. It sure makes a lot of sense to piss off your high yield business customers by withdrawing mainlne service from a port and inflicting them with Jet*.

Don't forget the fight that GD picked with Tiger in SIN (Jet* Asia - which has lost how much??) and now the reply from up north is Tiger in our own back yard. The Singaporean's have deeper pockets than QF, not to mention the loss of face issue. They will be here for a long time to come.

The person who gets to try and put all the peices back together again is going to have their work cut out for them.

8th Jul 2008, 08:25
He is not going until April, 2009.

Still some unfinished business... icons are hard to kill off.

True the brand is in a Darth Spiral, but it can be retrieved in a decade or so.

By April next year that will not be possible.

8th Jul 2008, 09:27
My predictions reference Jetstar:
Jetstar domestic, safe as houses
Jetstar International ???? particularly under a regime of high fuel costs???

8th Jul 2008, 12:34
People can't afford to pay their mortages...
Rent rates sky high....
Petrol at record levels....

Where's the discretionary income to go on holidays?

9th Jul 2008, 03:57
Leigh Clifford is ex CEO of Rio Tinto, a company I worked for during most of the nineties. Rio Tinto does not take kindly to Prima Donna's, BS artists or fools. Unfortunately a large portion of QF management fit into one or more of these categories, and they tend to stifle those who show real promise as efficient managers.

When it comes to sorting out inefficient mine sites Rio Tinto like to do their culling from the top, and then work their way down to the shop floor. All Prima Donna's, BS artists and fools are systematically extracted and either outright sacked, or moved to positions which would cause lose of face and their resignation.

It is a very messy process with much nashing of teeth, but the outcome (as they say) justifies the means.

If this is the start of a culling op, then GD will be just the start.

9th Jul 2008, 09:33
Jeez Spinner, there'll be no one left in management.
You know, at first I thought that I wouldn't notice if there was no-one left in Management. But upon further consideration, the changes would be profound.

The profit margin will soar without the senior management bonuses. The preflight company INTAM list will become negligible. Tens of thousands of dollars will be saved in paper and printing costs as meaningless and pointless Memos, FSOs, and various other bits of paper are eliminated and my mailbox goes on a crash diet. And we'll actually be able to operate under the same set of rules and procedures for more than a single week. Heck, the regular attempts by the company to breach my employment contract might even cease!

I'm really looking foward to it!

10th Jul 2008, 02:12
Quote .from BLOW.N gasket.My predictions reference Jetstar:
Jetstar domestic, safe as houses
Jetstar International ???? particularly under a regime of high fuel costs???

I think you have got the facts back the front.
The JQ A330 are still costing 35% to 50% less than QFs even with the high fuel prices.For example flts to KL,SGN,HKT, 2 crew not 3.If EBA 8 mirrors the 655 pages of EBA 7 then we will see who is as safe as houses.

10th Jul 2008, 02:30
The JQ A330 are still costing 35% to 50% less than QFs even with the high fuel prices.For example flts to KL,SGN,HKT, 2 crew not 3.Is that 35-50% less overall operating costs? Care to demonstrate with a back of the envelope calculations how this is can be so?
I think we may be waiting a while.

10th Jul 2008, 03:29
It never ceases to amaze me the pride that some have in the fact that they are paid less and have poorer conditions than others who do the same job. The only people that should be proud of such a thing are the management that convince you that it's all your worth! :ugh:

If EBA 8 mirrors the 655 pages of EBA 7 then we will see who is as safe as houses.

Given that you're obviously ignorant as to both how a 655 page EBA has developed over the forty plus years since the LH pilots had their award and and the award simplification proposed in EBA8 then perhaps you shouldn't comment. :rolleyes:

I hope too that you're not intending for your comments to be interrupted as coming from Jetsbest (http://www.pprune.org/forums/members/16987-jetsbest) who is a QF driver with a reputation for posting things that far exceeds your current demonstrated performance.

10th Jul 2008, 05:51
Maybe jetbest was referring to Captain and First Officer wages only...:ok:

10th Jul 2008, 06:29
I'll bite, The JQ A330 are still costing 35% to 50% less than QFs even with the high fuel prices.For example flts to KL,SGN,HKT, 2 crew not 3.If EBA 8 mirrors the 655 pages of EBA 7 then we will see who is as safe as houses...

So tell me again is that why Jetstar is pulling out of KL and reducing SGN aircraft to a 321?

This could be a windup alert:eek:

10th Jul 2008, 08:36
Ummm...maybe the Qantas group has decided to redeploy their resources. Why the heck aren't you happy that they have a flexible and adaptable suite of brands and fleet? Beats me. Do you dread the sun coming up in the morning?

10th Jul 2008, 17:27
Genex, your mate Jetbest said that Jetstar is 35-50% cheaper than Qf and provided the examples of SGN and KL. I simply pointed out that I reckon this was a slight exaggeration and that perhaps not is all as it seems at J* International.

Feel free to enlighten us if you have further info. Perhaps what is the J* International complement to the Groups bottom line as Management has failed to open the books since J* started flying. Huntley and numerous other brokering firms have been itching to find out how much too... Real figures, not the cryptic type that Tiger produce, like their high load factors and big increases in ASKs, they are meaningless to us accountants and show people are trying to hide the real results..

As for adaptable suite of brands and fleet tell that to the passengers who start seething when they are told their flight is now Jetstar and they have a full fare ticket expecting full fare service.

10th Jul 2008, 19:55
Would that seething be something like the mood I feel getting onto an aging 737-400 or a 767 that should have been saucepans long ago? Or cabin attendants whose last smile was long ago at their 50th and who never do quite make eye-contact with you when you just want to get an apple?

And....any brokers analyst who couldn't figure out JQ's cost structure on the back of an envelope should give up.

Crusty Demon
10th Jul 2008, 20:16
How can Jetstar be 35 to 50% cheaper? Jetstar wages might be about 30% lower than QF, but other costs such as fuel, aircraft leasing, maintenance, landing fees, airways charges, administrative staff all remain the same. The only way they could be 35 to 50% cheaper to operate on a given route overall is through clever accounting.

Will be interesting to see in the results this year how much Jetstar contributes to the cost of fuel hedging.

10th Jul 2008, 20:27
the mood I feel getting onto an aging 737-400 or a 767 that should have been saucepans long ago
Damn I hate being FORCED to fly mainline..

btw. You didn't answer the question. How much will J* international contribute to the bottom line? Oh those brokers who don't know are UBS, Goldman Sachs, MacBank, etc etc etc (just small companies)

10th Jul 2008, 21:57
Ok to all the j* bashing, but the real question is FOG going early

10th Jul 2008, 22:31
Speculation only.

I reckon that the announcement will be made at the Annual results in August with a changeover time frame that takes us through to February/March/April next year. I'll be very surprised if Geoff is gone before that.

genex, the lack of investment in the mainline product is noted and felt by us all. Many of us are surprised that we're still flogging around in old 767s although the 737-400 fleet is due to be gone within the next couple of years. The decision by Geoff et al to persist with a tired and expensive fleet on it's premium service where the big profits lie domestically whilst shunting lots of new capacity at the growth of a segment that contributes less per aircraft to the profit result- despite the lower costs of said aircraft- and in Geoff's own words is 'softening' mystifies many industry observers.

Then again, so does decisions that result in many hundreds of thousands- and probably now into the millions- being expended on fighting an extra 2% pay rise for a highly skilled part of the organisation.:rolleyes:

stubby jumbo
11th Jul 2008, 09:14
...you are getting warm keg.

my source(on QCA) tells me its going to be announced within the next 2 weeks.

PG will then take the helm.

11th Jul 2008, 09:52
The @$$clowns that are running engineering
into the ground keep mumbling something big
will happen in 2 weeks. Hopefully that is when
GD leaves us and they come to their senses.

Qantas 787
11th Jul 2008, 09:53
Quote "PG will then take the helm."

As bad as Dixon may be, PG will be a lot worse. You can just imagine how much cost cutting he will do :ugh:

11th Jul 2008, 09:55
Sorry..just to clarify a point..QF is still operating 737-400?!?

11th Jul 2008, 10:10
SOPS.. still have 16

13th Jul 2008, 03:52
Putting PG in charge of QF would be like putting a diabetic in charge of a candy store.
This guy has zero interpersonal skills and is even more removed from whats happening in the frontline than Scrotum Face(if that possible)
Il Duce at least has some concept of the mess.He is QF through and through and has a longhaul skillset.But alas he just does as he is told and is part of the executive wealth creation scheme.
It would be best if Scrotom Face's replacement was external and with experience in successfully running an airline

Alien Role
13th Jul 2008, 09:23
So who could be an ideal replacement for Dixon?

Might I suggest a KIWI !
I believe Rob FYFE would be a good CEO for Qantas; and why?

He would be "new blood" and could very likely, immediately gain the confidence and support of the Q employees, rebuilding their morale and SPIRIT and overcoming the present animosity that a large number of employees have towards the present Q Management.
He is untainted by the APA debacle!!
He is a CEO that adheres to the philosophy that the most important people in an organisation that deals with the public, are the EMPLOYEES!!!
He is an Engineer, who knows the importance of that group to an airline.
He has, from all reports, brought AIR NZ back from the brink and has the total support and loyalty of the employees (somewhat akin to the management of SOUTHWEST in the US).AND who could be his Deputy / CFO?
May I suggest Gary TOOMEY!
I know, I know, I can hear the shrieks of "no bloody way" from a lot of ex Ansett people, but one must admit that Gary got handed the mother of all "hospital passes" from that "guru of airline management", Sir Rod and his employer News Corp'.
Gary Toomey was acknowledged as the brains behind Qantas's financial wellbeing and a wiz at fuel hedging before he made the unfortunate move to Ansett / AirNZ.

Comments anyone..........!
Role on....

Transition Layer
13th Jul 2008, 09:37
Well a Kiwi is doing a bloody good job (so far) with the Wallabies so why not give a Kiwi the top job at QF...anything is better than Dixon!

13th Jul 2008, 23:22
Didn't twooooomey leave the rat because FOG got the plum job?

If you want morale to completely die...:yuk:

14th Jul 2008, 03:28
Gary Toomey was a scapegoat for the failure of Ansett.
There were political mechanications behind the scenes that resulted in this great airlines demise.
If Toomey had got the gig at QF it would not be in the ****e that it now finds itself.
Toomey is a lot brighter and a lot better educated than Scrotum Face.
Toomey would actually have been able ot manage the revenue better in order to generate greater profits rather just cost cut.
Any clown can cost cut..its knowing when to stop cost cutting that requires management agility.
We are now seeing the results of cost cutting gone way too far.
Al Dunlap would be proud of Scrotum Face.... his cost cutting almost succeeded in destroying Sunbeam.
Dixon and Dunlap are both one dimensional in their ability to manage and both are dysfunctional .

Ron Jeremy Porn Star
14th Jul 2008, 13:29
Michael Klim the great Australian 100 metre sprinter once said that "his mum could train Ian Thorpe to win a Gold medal at the Olympics".

Is it really that different to running Qantas?

14th Jul 2008, 13:35
Latest rumour is the guy on the right of this picture:


14th Jul 2008, 21:16
I think I caught out a certain person being economical with the truth about Ansett just before it collapsed.

But to be fair, he may not have known he was talking bull**** when I alleged in public that cracks in the AN767's were the tip of the iceberg and a very serious matter.

His reply: "You are absolutely wrong."

Good luck if that's what you get. I also wonder if QF will be plundered like Ansett was as it went under?

Millet Fanger
14th Jul 2008, 21:48
QF is being plundered as we type. It has been an on going process for a while now. Total focus has been on the shareholder value (with no effect) while the structure required to keep an airline operating safely and successfully for the long term has been eroded.

The sooner QF management change direction the less long term damage done.

15th Jul 2008, 07:55
Peter (777's are old technology) Gregg would be an ongoing disaster for
Qantas as CEO. He's backed Dixon all the way in his war against mainline.

Staff disengagement would accelerate, if that's possible, when people realize that there is no light at the end of the tunnel, just several more years for Gregg to finish what Dixon has started.

Even Geoffery Thomas alluded to this in a magazine article recently.

The only hope for this company is for someone from outside the poisoned atmosphere of the place,to come in..throw open the windows..and finally clear the stench of Dixon's reign forever...Amen. :D

15th Jul 2008, 08:44
I figure it's going to be (God help us) PG, as well. All of a sudden he is writing emails to the whole company. The other week he wrote some crap about staff travel, and just today he wrote to everyone in the company to congratulate us on a new finance system. Big f**king deal! Like in the middle of the worst disruptions in the company history, he has got time to write to everyone about a finance system! Yep, he's got the job in the bag.

Qantas 787
15th Jul 2008, 10:22
We can only hope Clifford actually does look for outsiders. If it is internal, PG will get it (and yes, Reeltime's '777 is old technology' quote sums him up).

15th Jul 2008, 10:49
Don't rule out John just yet. He knows more about our business and has been in the game a little longer. Don't forget that he has been vocal in the press lately aswell. (publicly requesting engineers call off OT bans and the alleged "go slow").

15th Jul 2008, 14:17
The Fat Controller and Il Duce are jockeying for position with Scrotum Faces imminent departure.
My bet is neither will get the job but rather someone who is a mate of Clifford's.
Just another Magic circle club with new members

15th Jul 2008, 17:57
My limited and from the outside view is that Mr. Dixon's behaviour will be emulated by at least the three or four top layers of management. Anyone who has wanted to "get ahead" in management (I mean gain promotion and further their career) will have had to have done this. Mr. Gregg's company wide announcement if his own success in installing a new general ledger system is typical.

Or, to put it another way, anyone in senior management who represented a challenge to Dixon and his ilk, for example, by exemplifying the natural authority won by having a high degree of airline experience and technical knowledge, as opposed to formal authority, will have been removed during Dixon's reign. I've watched it happen before. The idiots get into power, the good people then get forced out in order to stop them constantly showing the idiots up.

So what does it tell us if an internal appointment of a Dixon clone is made?

Well, it tells us that the Chairman and Board aren't in control, and that the wool has been pulled over their eyes. It also tells us that QF's days are numbered. It tells us that because it demonstrates that QF Board and Management see the staff as an obstacle to QF profitability, not a valuable resource.

....And that attitude tells us exactly what the real strength of QF is - it's ability to wrap the Government of the day around it's little finger, and make it do QF's bidding, especially maintaining QF's stranglehold on the Australian travelling public.

15th Jul 2008, 21:32
....And that attitude tells us exactly what the real strength of QF is - it's ability to wrap the Government of the day around it's little finger, and make it do QF's bidding, especially maintainning QF's stranglehold on the Australian travelling public.Nice summary Sunfish, I have been watching the Freddie Mac & Fannie Mae financial tsunami engulfing in the US, and their lobbying efforts & congressional influence peddling - Qantas is exactly the same, an implicit government backed "enterprise" that can do whatever the hell it wants.
Capitalism & the free market did not win, we actually live in a Soviet style planned economy of government protected monopolies, with new the ruling class the Geoff & Sol's, who's sole business acumen consists of political lobbying & manipulation.
Trotters in the trough, f#ck everyone else.

Before we get back to balance, we may see dramatic changes in politics, as well as in business and finance.William Rees-Mogg This recession could easily tip into a depression (http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/comment/columnists/william_rees_mogg/article4326794.ece)

Bad Hat Harry
15th Jul 2008, 22:27
The last ten years have seen dysfunctional individuals like Dixon climb to the top of large corporations.They have had very little business acumen but were feted by the markets and the media as the hard men who made the tough decisions.
Unfortunately the decisions they made were the wrong decisions.
They dont suffer from these poor decisions but we do.
Rising interest rates,rising fuel prices,falling consumer confidence and the destuction of wealth through falling asset prices.
We never ever learn...Dixon is another Gordon Gekko.
In another 10 to 15 years when this current mess has been sorted out other dixons and Gekkos will gain the ascendancy.
These swine flourish because of greed.
They never pay the piper.
It is galling that Dixon will walk away from this mess he created at Qantas unscathed.
Somewhere out there is hopefully a bus with dixons name on it

15th Jul 2008, 22:36
The following Airline News press release:

Qantas to further review operations as fuel crisis worsens (http://www.aviationrecord.com/news-articles.aspx?articleType=ArticleView&articleId=827)

http://www.aviationrecord.com/Portals/0/Airlines_logos/Qantas-logo.jpghttp://www.aviationrecord.com/images/print.gif (http://www.aviationrecord.com/DesktopModules/DnnForge%20-%20NewsArticles/Print.aspx?tabid=80&tabmoduleid=178&articleId=827&moduleId=381&PortalID=0) Qantas Airways CEO Geoff Dixon has told staff the airline has been "changed forever" by record oil prices staying above $US140 a barrel.

Dixon has reportedly flagged the company's third review within a year in a message sent to staff.

The memo said the review will examine how the carrier will operate in an environment of higher oil prices.

Indicates that GD is willing to stake his reputation in retirement on his ability to deliver? :eek:

15th Jul 2008, 22:40
Reeltime: As you say Staff disengagement would accelerate, if that's possible, when people realize that there is no light at the end of the tunnel, just several more years for Gregg to finish what Dixon has started.

There was a piece in the Fin Review a few weeks back stating that at the 3rd State of Origin RL game in Sydney the Qantas Box was hosted by Peter Gregg.
Present were:
David Coe, he of Allco Finance which shows that that relationship is still strong,
Allen Jones, he of Sydney am radio which shows that Gregg is smart having such a powerful voice in his team - does Jones ever knock Qantas and Dixon like he does other organisations and their leaders?
and I believe it mentioned two Queenslanders in Kevin Rudd and Wayne Swan

Further to Sunfish: The piece about Or, to put it another way, anyone in senior management who represented a challenge to Dixon and his ilk, for example, by exemplifying the natural authority won by having a high degree of airline experience and technical knowledge, as opposed to formal authority, will have been removed during Dixon's reign.

I wonder how many people with a high degree of airline experience and knowledge have been shunted in the past 2, 5 or 10 years because they perhaps stood up to Dixon or any of his senior team? perhaps those people could be listed?

Wasn't it mentioned a few years back that when David Forsyth 'retired' from Qantas he did so because he could no longer work under Jackson and Dixon seeing what they were doing to the airline?

15th Jul 2008, 23:23
It is hoped that Clifford has some insight into what Dixon has done and that his replacment will be from outside.
If not then Qantas will go the way of Ansett.
Rudd would probably not entertain nationalizing the Airline.
Virgin may very well end up being the Australian National Carrier.
How Ironic that would be.

15th Jul 2008, 23:28
Remove 200 individuals from Qantas Senior management.
That would improve the bottom line by $200mil and improve the coporate decison making process exponentially.

15th Jul 2008, 23:43
I've got it. Not Twoomey, Eddington.

15th Jul 2008, 23:52
has too many cosy board seats and assignments. he wouldn't want to take on the mess left behind by Dixon & Co.
in a recent conversation i had with him, he made it pretty clear in a diplomatic way he does not agree the way the staff, especially experieinced ones are treated. He does acknowlegde the challenges but there are different ways of doing things. from memeory Sir Rod was the only one who ever told GD to f.. off because he says stupid things at times.:O
as for gary tommey returning to QFwith his great personality (not)cant see it happen. not because of ansett but the way he conducted hinself in QF on a personal level. as he kept pointing out in his days in qf "he is not staff". arrogant p***.:zzz:

20th Jul 2008, 23:07
In the Weekend Fin Review there is a photo of a very glum,very tired old GD.....he looks like crap.
The last few weeks must have been tough for the mongrel.....Good
Time to FOG before your ticker gives out old son.

Henry Winkler
21st Jul 2008, 00:05
Gregg met the pope. Hmmmmmmmmmmm.

Qantas 787
21st Jul 2008, 03:10
I noticed Gregg too at the top of the stairs. JB wouldn't have been too impressed.......Gregg will now have his mug splashed all over the media.

max autobrakes
21st Jul 2008, 03:11

Metro Boy
21st Jul 2008, 03:43
They need someone with some business integrity to come in like Dick Smith. Not like all of these high flyers.

21st Jul 2008, 04:11
Get rid of the bong before the cops arrive.
DS has zero credibility in our neck of the air corridor

21st Jul 2008, 06:34
Apropos no one in particular, but with talk of possible CEO candidates, it seems appropriate to quote the following which I found on my desk pad the other day:

"The higher a monkey climbs, the more you see of his behind!" - Gen. Joe Stillwell.:ok:

B A Lert
21st Jul 2008, 08:12
I noticed Gregg too at the top of the stairs. JB wouldn't have been too impressed.......Gregg will now have his mug splashed all over the media.

Didn't realise he was also a CSM! :E:E:E

Bad Hat Harry
21st Jul 2008, 08:26
He is indeed....C#ck S*cking Motherf#cker.

21st Jul 2008, 10:39
PG had photos of 767's being presented to the pope for their blessing. You heard it first!!:oh:

26th Jul 2008, 08:35
Had to laugh, a mate has now taken to calling Qantas
I asked him why?

before you screw the pooch totally.:ok:
(would that pooch be Wags?)

stubby jumbo
26th Jul 2008, 10:10



26th Jul 2008, 11:47
Why is it that Dixon, CEO of QANTAS, when appearing on TV, always looks as though he has just got out of bed, yesterdays shirt, no tie and no time to comb or brush his hair? As a shareholder I would like to see someone who looks a bit more alert, as an employee I know that to turn up for work looking so scruffy is asking for trouble. Enough of this, "Sorry, I've only just got out of bed" look, Geoff, your style and public image advisors are selling you short. (Not to mention all the crap you regularly spout when interviewed!).

Transition Layer
27th Jul 2008, 12:34
Why is it that Dixon, CEO of QANTAS, when appearing on TV, always looks as though he has just got out of bed, yesterdays shirt, no tie and no time to comb or brush his hair?

Yep, have often thought the same thing myself...prob came straight from the office where he was bending over his new PA, hence the dishevelled look.

Meanwhile I have to put a shirt and tie on and have a shave just to go into QCC and check my mail box...what a joke.

27th Jul 2008, 22:51
Geoff Dixon to retire 28 November. New to be CEO Allan Joyce.

27th Jul 2008, 23:11
Out of the frying pan, into the fire. :{

27th Jul 2008, 23:28
singapore and emirates must be giggling...

28th Jul 2008, 03:15
At least the recruiting problem to those airlines has now been solved!:bored:

28th Jul 2008, 20:42
Insider...why would they be giggling? As QF nears getting a new efficient fleet (A380 & 787), they also will likely get more cost effective (therefore more competitive) with the support of a very experienced crew and operational platform...I would actually be more concerned if I was a QF competitor...soon QF will have the fleet to match SQ & EK. Of course EK already are copying the likes of QF with the onset of LCC in DXB (Fly Dubai being set up now) and it appears QR are looking to get one also. SQ of course already has its own..

If you dont like cost cutting, dont mention SQ, now they are the ultimate low cost carrier...just providing full service product. They dont spend a cent unless it is justified 10 times over.