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4th Jul 2008, 15:23
Hello There
Can anyone help on this ?

Iīve done the JAA ATPL H ground school. Because for now i donīt need the ATPL H, and CPL H would be enough to get the FI, that is what i want to do, and also because CPL H exams are easyer and less that ATPL H, i wanted to do the theory examinations @ CPL H level instead of ATPL H level. From what iīve read in Lasors that is legally possible, but CAN ANYONE INFORM HOW DO I CHANGE THE EXAMS TO BE DONE ? Is it a request to CAA ?
Do i need to go through an FTO ? and if so must i do any classroom again ?

Thanks a lot

PS: My Theory Training Provider doesnīt supplies CPL (H)

Sorry if any errors with my english

4th Jul 2008, 16:05
Ask your school to apply for the CPL(H) exams on your behalf. You will need their approval/signature anyway.

If you've completed the ATPL(H) syllabus, then you will have covered all of the CPL syllabus (and some!)

But if you've already done all of the work, you might as well take the ATPL exams. I certainly would! (You never know what the future might hold... ;))

4th Jul 2008, 18:28
I disagree about the CPL(H) exam questions being easier; as far as I could tell from the Question banks, the CPL questions are the same as ATPL. The difference between CPL and ATPL is that the syllabus is not so broad and there are fewer questions per paper, therefore, if starting out on ground school, CPL could well be seen to be easier.

However, if you've covered the syllabus, satisfactorily completed the progress tests with your school, the sit the ATPL exams anyway.

The ATPL(H) and CPL(H) Principles of Flight IS exactly the same paper.



4th Jul 2008, 18:40
I seem to recall that common sense fails to apply and ATPL(H) schools can't send you for CPL(H) exams.

I think this came from an enquiry I made to the CAA a few years ago.

Paco will know the answer.

4th Jul 2008, 19:56
But a CPL(H) one can.......

The only difference between the CPL(H) and ATPL(H) is the IR subjects - otherwise the academic standard is the same
