View Full Version : Would be grateful for some advice.

1st Jul 2008, 12:07
Ok, so ive been toying around with the idea of being a professional pilot for a while now. Currently training for my PPL(M), ive decided that at the age of 17, i want to make my dream come true.

Of course, as with any pilot theres issues with money, and my case is no exception. Ive decided to try and enroll in the Modular Pathfinder at CabAir for a number of reasons (including being able to work at the same time as training which is a big benifit for myself).

I have a couple of questions, which with my reseach im unable to find the answers for.
Firstly, the '100 Hours building' they offer does cost 9K roughly (a Big bite out of my budget), is it possible to do this on a microlight (fixed or flex) and have the same effect. Obviously i can do this for a deducted cost, so would be much benifitional for me.

Secondly, i understand that i can train for my Instructor rating for my PPL on completing my CPL, do the same hours from hour building from a Microlight, count towards the hours needed to become an instructor (150 hours in command).

And lastly, do the hours i build as an Instructor (1500 hours over 2 years) count towards Unfreezing my ATPL, knowing of course id have to do 500 of these muti engine off of my own back. And do the hours from my microlighting also count towards my hours on my ATPL?

Hope you can help, ive tried my best to look for all my answer, and these are ones im having great difficulty with.
Any help would be great.

All the best