View Full Version : Sync cradle to my PDA

3rd Feb 2002, 08:15

I have a Hewlett Packard "Jornada 540" Series PDA - when I return from a days work, I slot it onto the "hot sync. cradle" for it to synchronise the files with the desktop machine.

First time worked really well.....second time, the desktop realised that a file had been changed during the last synchronise and placed a copy of this file onto the PDA.

Next time home, the PDA realised it had the new file and put a copy of it onto the desktop machine - next time, desktop put a copy of the copy onto the PDA.....you get the drift.

I can't stop it increasing, tried deleting, tried just about everything.

Any suggestions??

3rd Feb 2002, 19:29
Just a thought, is the clock on your HP out?

4th Feb 2002, 01:57
Nope. The two machines just see "new" files and copy them to each other - creating yet more new files for next time.

Captain Gidday
14th Feb 2002, 20:49
Sorry, this advice is a little oblique, as I have a Palm. In the wonderful world of Palms, where nothing ever goes wrong and the sun always shines, the 'Synch' routine is customisable and can be set so that 'Desktop overwrites Handheld' or 'Handheld overwrites Desktop' and a couple of other possibilities . No doubt the Windows CE operating system has an equivalent selection.. .The interesting thing with the Palm is that it also has a nice large 'DEFAULT' button as part of the selection. Now people sometimes come along with these sorts of synch problems and activate the 'default' button, thinking that will revert all the settings to something which should at least work OK. But in the Palm OS at least, what pressing the 'Default' button actually does is "make the current settings the default" and it enshrines the problem forevermore [or nearly]. Of course the good people who bring us CE are original thinkers, I am sure, but I wonder if by some chance their setup for the synch routine just happens to have something like the same problem built into it as in the Palm. If so having another look at that area with this in mind might pay dividends. Hope it works out.

15th Feb 2002, 07:56
Gotcha, Blue...I'll have a look at that.