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View Full Version : Nasty People

26th Jun 2008, 17:08
My Question is: Do old people get treated worse by the middle aged business woman.

This has come to mind due to a woman on a train (2 Women) They were fussy and wanted a table even though there were plenty of single seats...I was tired and half sleeping...this woman was just hovering and I said "is it ok" She said (with an authoritivly un polite voice) "no I can't get in" So I move my bag that is by the table a little and now its nearly blocking the aisle...
She said thankyou...

But What if I was 70 years old...
I felt she was nasty to me...

If the roles were reversed I would have smiled and said "hey is it ok if I move this bag a bit"

I can't believe how much I've been thinking about this (3rd day in fact)
They came accross as if they wanted to be interlectually above everyone on the train... Boasting about getting scripts to the address..this other woman starte watching me with my video but looked away as soon as i look up...she had the miserable face on (kind of like a superier look)
And she looked at me (I smiled) and she just looked away...I really am scared for when I'm 70 and there are people like this around...
Would they beat me up or give me a heart attack If I'm 70 and can't move a bag?