View Full Version : Free digital logbook and duty times program - UPDATED

das Uber Soldat
26th Jun 2008, 03:21

People are always asking me for a copy of my logbook and flight times calculator for excel so i've decided to rewrite it and make it available for anyone who is interested free of charge. Compared to every other one i've seen its quite complex and detailed so I hope it provides others with as much benefit it has me.

Basic features:

- A standard logbook
- A duty times calculator
- Maintains your currency and recency for night, IFR and all approaches.
- Keeps detailed statistical records, eg flying in last 7 days, month, year etc.
- Dynamic charts with user selection negating the need to ever manually edit a formula again.
- Logbook summary page that breaks down all your hours by a/c type & configuration. Day/night, command/dual, IF time etc. Keeps track of time to IFR and medical renewals. Very useful for filling out job applications.
- Conducts predictive analysis on your logbook to give you projected totals for things like 500 multi, 100 night, etc.
- Charts time in each callsign, and breaks down how much you've flown with other people.

Once you've input the backlog of your data, day to day inputs are quite limited. The sheet gets all its calculation data from you inputting your duty start and end times, flight time and then your normal log book entry. It really doesn't take long at all.


Click here (http://rapidshare.com/files/138218685/Flight_and_Duty_Times_-_Blank_V3.0.xls.html) to download it.

Note: There is already some data in the sheet to serve as an illustrative example, just delete it and replace it with your own data.

Note: For those who know how to use Excel already, the worksheets are protected, to remove that protection for editing, the password is 'pprune'

UPDATE 18/8/2008.

This is an entirely new version of the software, v3.0. It incorporates many new features and has several major bugfixes. A general list;

- Approach recency fixed, 90 days VOR,NDB etc, 35 ILS.
- IFR recency fixed, specific calculation of I.F time on ground and inflight
- Duty times now adhere to a fixed 2 week period. User input allows you to designate what day is the nominated beginning of this period.
- Multi pilot copilot added
- User changeable times for the projected totals. Find out what date you're going to achieve various goals, useful for ATPL etc.
- More conditional formatting to help you identify when you're close to duty and flight time limits re CAO 48.1.
- General tidying up and graphical fixes.
- User tooltips pop up to help you with filling out various fields.

It should be very easy to copy your existing data into this sheet, so happy logging :) Its much easier to use now.

26th Jun 2008, 03:39
Bloody nice work and bloody nice of you to share!
Many thanks.:ok:

bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbzzzzzzzzzzzzzzbbbbbbbbbbbbzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz z

26th Jun 2008, 05:11
That is absolutely awesome mate!!!:ok::ok::ok:
Thank you so much for your efforts and making it available to everyone.

Sorry I'm not familiar with Excel. How do you remove the protection with the password?? I would like to add some new column titles in the logbook page when I get it all setup.
Do I need to "program" it so it will then add those totals to the summary pages etc???
Thanks for your help.

26th Jun 2008, 06:08
10/10 mate
Thanks heaps for sharing!

Rob D
26th Jun 2008, 06:20
It won't download, its says that it has reached it's download limit!!

das Uber Soldat
26th Jun 2008, 06:46
Just worked for me then, that said i'll upload it to a couple of other places to provide more options.

edit: Extra download source added to original post.

26th Jun 2008, 06:54
Thanks so much for this have been after one.:ok:

26th Jun 2008, 07:56
Hey uber, thanks for that! Here's one I've been using, the logbook page is quite similar, your graphs and stuff seem a lot cooler!

4shared.com - online file sharing and storage - download E170 Logbook 2002 Duties V3 7.xls (http://www.4shared.com/file/51181403/62fd81c2/E170_Logbook_2002__Duties_V3_7.html)

When I tried to copy my numbers into the description and PIC columns of your sheet though, I get duplication in columns E/F and H/I, for some reason there are two columns for one piece of info. Any particular reason, any idea how I can avoid that?

26th Jun 2008, 07:59
Thanks Soldat, great work!!:ok:

das Uber Soldat
26th Jun 2008, 08:16
PLankbender. I had a look at the sheet you are using, i'm sorry but I cant make head or tails of that.

If you paste in details and you get splitting columns like you say, you need to manually highlight the columns and hit the merge column button (after unprotecting the worksheet.. tools --> Protection --> Unprotect worksheet, enter password pprune).

I've experienced this when i've tried to paste in data in multi column groups. I've found if I paste in the names from JUST the 1 column, ie PIC, then I dont get that problem.

Good luck.

tail wheel
26th Jun 2008, 09:08
We'll stickie this thread for a few days as the Log Book program may be very useful to pilots.

PPRuNe is not associated with the Log Book in any way and accepts no responsibility for the program accuracy or whether it is acceptable to CASA.

26th Jun 2008, 11:52
das Uber Soldat,

This is unreal mate you have done a great job.
thanks for sharing it:ok:

Rob D
26th Jun 2008, 13:28
It worked this time. Its excellent, good work.

Ref + 10
27th Jun 2008, 05:05
Chaars Das Uber, rather nice of you old man. Tootle pip.

27th Jun 2008, 06:52
I had a look at the sheet you are using, i'm sorry but I cant make head or tails of that.

Just enter the date in the first column (second column is done automatically) and enter the type and the time and any other info you want, then hit the "rebuild types" button on the summary page, that's it. The "update" button on my Vista64/Office2007 doesn't work, but the rebuild one does the trick.

For more customized summarization, use the "Specialist/Instructor" columns. I add up Cross Country PIC/Instrument and Low Level times, for example, by simply duplicating the time entered on that line in one of the three columns, they are then automatically added up on the summary page.

P.S.: It's "der Soldat" not "das Soldat", and "Ueber" or U-Umlaut (the U with the two dots", not "Uber". PB aka smartar:8e

tail wheel
27th Jun 2008, 09:53
Google tells me it is: das Uber Soldat

Besides, I guess he/she knows his own PPRuNe name? :confused:

Interestingly, when I Googled "das Uber Soldat" this thread came up!! :ok:

Paul Alfred
27th Jun 2008, 11:22
Well Done. Thanks for sharing :D


28th Jun 2008, 02:31
Nice work!
works fine for me in openoffice..

Atlas Shrugged
30th Jun 2008, 01:51
Interestingly, when I Googled "das Uber Soldat" this thread came up!!

Try googling "google" and see what comes up :E

Excellent work and thanks for sharing

Rotor n Wings
30th Jun 2008, 08:15
Very nice indeed, thanks for sharing with others a fine spirit.

30th Jun 2008, 08:26
Thanks Uber

Can you tell me what format to use for time. It accepts whole hours, but when I try to add minutes is won't accept them. Can you also give me you protection pass word as some of the colums are to narrow and I cannot read them clearly.

Cheers :ok:

das Uber Soldat
30th Jun 2008, 11:15
As stated in the first post, the worksheet password is 'pprune' :)

You'll have to change the format for time yourself, not sure what to. I've always used decimal based entries in my logbook. I'm sure you could convert it to minutes etc by select the cells and pressing Control - 1 to format them.

good luck :)

Metro Boy
9th Jul 2008, 10:35
Will it work on a PDA?

das Uber Soldat
9th Jul 2008, 11:34
might, thought the formatting would be a little whack.

As I was discussing with someone in a PM, as you have to manually enter your total flight time per day on teh duty sheet, I have found a way to automatically calculate this by changing the G4 cell to this formula and changing the logbook B column to date format.

=SUM((OFFSET((INDIRECT(ADDRESS(MATCH(B561,Logbook!B:B,0),12, 1,TRUE,"Logbook"))),0,0,(COUNTIF(Logbook!B:B,B4)),10)))

However, it adds considerably to calculation time so unless you're running a rather top end computer, i'd leave it to manual entry.


12th Jul 2008, 04:41
It is, but if you never go over 90 hours in a rolling fortnight, you wont do it in a standalone one either.

12th Jul 2008, 05:11
That assumes you do roughly the same duty every day - if you are close to 90 and at, say, 12 days, another big one will push you over.

I took the (gender-neutral) Super-Soldier's spreadsheet (nice work, DUS) and re-worked the formula to give myself a "reset" of the cumulative duty times every 15th day.

If you employer needs the flexibility of the "true" interpretation of CAO 48 and you are doing something else, questions will be asked.

Also, employees should be mindful that their Ops Manual will describe a FDT system and many operations have their own systems, exemptions, etc. Be careful that you're not putting your employer/CP in a difficult position when CASA next do an audit! :uhoh:

compressor stall
12th Jul 2008, 06:36
Nice Work DUS, certainly better than my efforts at producing such software over the years.

One suggestion though for the next version, include say 7 columns for the flight description so for a flight from ML-SY-BN-DN you enter in cell F YMML cell G YSSY cell H YBBN cell I YPDN etc.

Then you can tally up 1. your total landings and 2. the number of times you have landed at a particular aerodrome.

Not a groundbreaking piece of information, but seeing you have the data you may as well have access to it.

Thanks again


das Uber Soldat
13th Jul 2008, 01:28
all good suggestions everyone, thanks, ill work to build them in to the next version :)

14th Jul 2008, 14:29
Dunno about free but doesn't Command software offer something? At least they used to..

15th Jul 2008, 03:14
I am far from current on Excel , how do I add MultiEngine CoPilot. I am up to putting the backlog in and have come to this. I have the password , however the traits of excel pass me by.:ugh:

das Uber Soldat
15th Jul 2008, 06:35
thanks mig3.

Myshoutcaptain. Its going to be a fairly involved process im afraid. you'll have to add the columns in the logbook page, then adjust the logbook summary page to reflect the new data etc. Bit of reading might be in order.

das Uber Soldat
18th Aug 2008, 12:31
New version released poeples, lots of fixes and feature additions. Please refer the first post of this thread to see the new additions and find a download link.

Thanks to all who provided suggestions and pointed out bugs in the first version :)

19th Aug 2008, 02:31
Thanks for the update with CoPilot ... I dont Excel with Excel.:}

Ivan R Donn
28th Aug 2008, 23:50
That's magic DUS, thanks very much and well done you!!


25th Mar 2009, 07:01
Hi, thanks for thinking of us but tried down load and appears the file is corrupted as several graphs fail to respond to log book input and one has overlaid word on bottom of graph?:mad:
Any chance of getting working copy:D
much appreciated:ok:

15th Jul 2011, 03:56
Hello all,
Long time reader, first time poster.
I'm sure i am missing something here as when i click on the download link it takes me to a rapidshare site that lists the file but seems to want a subscription.
Do i need to subscribe to be able to download this flight and duty calculator through rapidshare?
Thanks in advance.

19th Jul 2011, 00:01
Heliplease in the bottom right of the rapid share page you should see 'FREE-DOWNLOAD'
Click that, close the subscribe window that pops up, wait a few more seconds and then it changes to the download link.

It is an awesome piece of work.
Thats for all the effort involved in creating this :)

das Uber Soldat
19th Jul 2011, 10:01
I've re uploaded the latest version.

MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=5P8Q3H2U)

Chocks Away
20th Jul 2011, 08:24
One just out by Boeing and Jepps for Fatigue, Flt & Duty times (http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/crewalert/id391351389?mt=8).


21st Jul 2011, 02:58
Everyone is full of praise for your work and generosity dAS and I thank you in advance, but when I click on the link to MegaUpload I do not understand what I am looking at or where to download it. Anyone care to educate me please?:confused:

Edit: As you were. I worked it out after all. For others a bit challenged like me, just click on 'Regular Download'.

Many thanks dAS.

23rd Jul 2011, 11:27
Could someone shed light on the required format for the year / month entry's to make the graphs work?

I've imported from another spread sheet where I've entered the date in one column, so it looks like below. I can't figure out how to enter the year/month to make the graphs work... :confused:

Year Aircraft
Month Day Type Reg

20.02.1999 20 PA-28 HUI
24.02.1999 24 G115 TGZ

das Uber Soldat
23rd Jul 2011, 14:34
The graphs are fed by data only from the flight and duty section of the spreadsheet, not your logbook.

Your logbook on drives data on the summary pages.

the hulk
12th Jan 2012, 23:15
Hi there,

Any chance that you will be able to e-mail me the file direct, I'm currently on tour in africa and can't seem to access rapidshare?


1st Mar 2012, 04:23
Hey there,

I've tried the Rapid Share link and it just goes to the home page. No download is possible. Second I tried the Megaupload site and found that the glorious FBI have shut it down. (Must be something to do with that fat German they caught in NZ).

Any ideas guys?

das Uber Soldat
1st Mar 2012, 23:59
As I wrote in the PM I sent you, I'll upload it somewhere else when I return from my current trip. Most likely Monday. It's due for an update anyway so get your feature requests in now.

3rd Apr 2012, 17:20

Many thanks for your job and I hope be enjoying it soon. I'll be waiting :D
20th Apr 2012, 07:43
Das uber soldier,

I would be very interested in getting a copy of your logbook document,


18th May 2012, 08:15
Das have you been able to upload the new version of your logbook spreadsheet? Im in desperate need of one and suck at programming excel lol

das Uber Soldat
18th May 2012, 08:45
I keep uploading it but the sites I use timeout after a month or so, hence I have to start the process all over again. If a mod reads this, can pprune host it and make it a sticky? A get multiple pm"s a week asking for it.

19th May 2012, 00:15
Ive managed to get the last version you wrote from a friend via email, though it will still only allow block hours for duty times? I tried to change it but that duty page password dosnt seem to be the same as the ac type log page. Has anyone else have this problem? Duty time is my biggest need for this right now

19th May 2012, 02:29
Can this or is this CASA approved at all? Wouldn't mind having a digital logbook.

19th May 2012, 11:03
Isn't there no such thing as a CASA approved electronic logbook?

You are required to have an up to date paper logbook which may have computer printouts forming part of it provided they are bound into the logbook.

19th May 2012, 11:34
Can this or is this CASA approved at all? Wouldn't mind having a digital logbook.

Yeah, but you end up with the CASA sticky labels all over your monitor screen every time you do an endorsement or renewal....:ugh:

das Uber Soldat
20th May 2012, 22:58
Ive managed to get the last version you wrote from a friend via email, though it will still only allow block hours for duty times? I tried to change it but that duty page password dosnt seem to be the same as the ac type log page. Has anyone else have this problem? Duty time is my biggest need for this right nowWhats your drama? Do you need split shift support or something?

Also, I've sent the file to someone who can host it permanently so hopefully it'll be a sorted issue.

21st May 2012, 08:57
My drama is that I cant change the duty column to hours and minutes because the password dosnt unlock that page. I dont have any split dutys, just want a quick way to keep an eye on them;) Ill wait for the new version and go from there:ok:

21st May 2012, 09:59
I read somewhere (flight safety mag?) that CASA was doing testing on electronic log books? I think it should go ahead.. even if you have to have a up to date written one on request. - The world is going electronic but CASA still isn't (approve those damn ipad maps!! (vtc/wacs/erc)

Capt Fathom
21st May 2012, 10:43

Ever heard of pen and paper. And just a minute each day to write it all down. Worked pretty well in the days before spreadsheets!


21st May 2012, 10:58
Thank you capt fathom, I hadnt thought of that;)

Capt Fathom
21st May 2012, 11:48
i know. That's why I mentioned it! :E

22nd May 2012, 00:16
Courtesy of das Uber Soldat I've put a copy here in this folder (https://www.dropbox.com/sh/wvbduz47lsfo6s3/Opj-8OorBs). Hopefully it stays there :ok:

3rd Sep 2012, 20:49
Hi Das,
Is there still a place i can download it?

3rd Sep 2012, 21:29
The link in the post above yours still works ;)

5th Sep 2012, 09:13
This is excellent.
Thank you so much.
Please excuse the lack of knowledge around XL, but is there a way I can just load in my total hours, and then just add logbook entries from here on in? or do I need to set a new start date, and load it in that way?
Thanks in advance

5th Sep 2012, 12:18
You could always just fill in the first line with your summary totals from each column.

You'd lose the advantages of long term data tracking for past flights, but it would work OK from here on.

6th Sep 2012, 00:45
In the end I got inspired and got on with filling it out properly.
Thanks again. Great tool.
Must have taken ages to build..

16th Jan 2013, 17:53
HI please can anyone send me the excel logbook the link doesn't work anymore
my email [email protected]
many thanks

16th Jan 2013, 20:58
Dropbox link is still working.

22nd Jan 2013, 00:05
Loving the spreadsheet, but need to make a couple of changes for NZCAA logbooks. any chance you can send me the passwords to unprotect the pages?
need to add a simulated IF column and the add that too the hours summery too.


22nd Jan 2013, 07:59
Did you try "pprune" as the password? It's mentioned in the first post.

22nd Jan 2013, 15:17
hey guys, any trick to getting it to work on openoffice.org? downloaded a couple of times from drop box and when i try to open it with calc it gets bout a third of the way through opening up and stalls?



Edit - Got it sorted, works fine on my big puter. Nice work Soldat, Cheers for sharing your work mate. :ok:


5th Mar 2013, 02:38
Hey guys, not having any luck with the drop box link or the radpidshare either.

Can someone please send me a copy of the spreadsheet?
[email protected]

6th Mar 2013, 03:48
Dropbox link still works. Just tried it.

8th Jul 2014, 13:02
Does anyone have the link to dropbox if this is still available?

8th Jul 2014, 23:03

It's here, and working:

Dropbox link (https://www.dropbox.com/sh/wvbduz47lsfo6s3/Opj-8OorBs)

8th Jul 2014, 23:53
Got it, thank you.

das Uber Soldat
9th Jul 2014, 00:30
Thanks mate.

18th Nov 2014, 13:04
Thank you, das Uber Soldat. :)