View Full Version : Orlando Flight Training - Accomodation

19th Jun 2008, 17:40
In need of advice!

I am booked in the Student Accomodation from July for 9 months, however for such a long stay should I look into renting my own place with a few other guys.

Property to rent seems really cheap.

Is there any other charges I should worry about? Council Tax, etc

Many thanks

19th Jun 2008, 22:02
hi there pm me with your email asap

20th Jun 2008, 16:47
I will be there as well. Any info guys?

21st Jun 2008, 16:33
the OFT accomodation is adequate for 9 months so being able to live there wouldnt be a problem. If you would sooner live with people you know then i would rent somewhere but if you aren't too bothered then its not too bad. For that long it could be quite expensive and the properties arent in brilliant condition (quite dirty etc.) (unless you pay for the better accomodation which is significantly more) The OFT accomodation is also a good place to get to know other people that are training and as we found out, there are mostly awsome people there and we came away with a lot of good mates. You could always try it for a few weeks and see if you can see yourself there, but if you did Make sure you tell them that you are not agreeing to stay for the entire duration!!!

hank delmonte
21st Jun 2008, 17:40
get yourself out of here quick.

I've been with OFT for 5 months now and it's the biggest mistake of my life. they are a joke. Their aircraft are always breaking MX team are shoddy at best. The accounting here is worrying, every week or so they make a "mistake" and charge you for something you never did, every student I talk to says the same. Training is slow at best.

find another training school quick


JOCK 113
21st Jun 2008, 19:10
If things are that bad, then why are you still there?
It can not be that bad if you are still there after 5 months.
You sure that it is not you? Cant hack the flying? Been kicked out of other schools?

JOCK 113
22nd Jun 2008, 13:59
I agree 100% with spudgunjon.
Go home hank, take up bus driving!